I’m Not A Servant Sir, I’m A Maid

Sick and Awkward Mornings

“Will you stop leaning on me.” I hiss briskly, feeling my face heat up as I chop another vegetable. I stifle a cough, hoping the person beside me wouldn’t notice.

Waking up was a pain this morning. The instance my eyes had met the blinding rays of the sun; I wince at the sheer force of it. It was as though someone in the heavens knew how sensitive I was to the morning light and decided to make it extra bright. Lucky me.

Yet, despite my sore muscles and the hellish light that fluttered through my window, I was able to reach my bathroom in order to bathe and brush my teeth. I groaned though when I come upon my horrible reflection, clearly seeing that I was sick. The color in my face was a slightly flushed while my eyes seemed to barely keep open due to their sudden weight. I was even amazed on how I manage to get to the public bus as I slightly drag my body in order to attend to my education.

I had hoped that school would help my lifeless form to brighten up a bit but it seemed that Janet deiced to stay home. This of courses struck me as odd. The girl never missed a day of school…at least not in this life anyway. Sure she probably had chicken pocks like the rest of us as kids but she always managed to make it before the bell even rang. I even tried calling the girls cell, but to my surprise I got the answering machine. In the end, I just hope that my friend was ok, seeing that this wasn’t like her.

Hearing a pot whistle in the distance, I quickly shake my head form earlier events and step back into the present. It was a good thing that I had taken medicine this morning, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to keep up with my work.

“I told you that I would help.” Dagan remarks, ignoring my comment and clearly not getting the meaning of personal space as he reaches up to a cabinet that was just above my head. Now I wouldn’t have minded helping him get whatever object that he so desperately needed…but this was ridiculous. If anything, he has been doing this just to get on my last nerve.

“Well leaning isn’t helping.” I comment sourly, chopping the veggies with force. I was lucky it didn’t accidently cut my own fingers with the massacre of the carrots.

“You’re in the way.” He snorts, watching as I took out my frustration upon the food. He probably just assumes that I was going through a mood swing.

“I’m 5,4, how the hell am I in the way?” I raise a brow, finding it hard to believe that my height had to do with anything. This man towers over me, how can I possibly be in the way. From the corner of my eye I can see Dagan roll his blue eyes before giving me a shrewd glance.

“It’s the darn skirt of yours, remove it.” He retorts, grabbing the fabric of my skirt as I blush instantly.

“Excuse me?!” I hiss, feeling my voice raise an octave as spin around to face the man.

“It was a joke…put that knife back!” Dagan hisses, pointing to the butcher knife that I have recently acquired. My lips tug at the side as I fight back an incriminating smirk. If I did manage to somehow murder the man for his actions, I didn’t want to appear to enjoy his fright. It wouldn’t help my case in court.

“I don’t think so. Now take five steps away from me and get your own cooking supplies.” I motion with knife in hand over to the other counter that was across from me, one that give us some much needed breathing space. (Or space for me anyway.)

I observe in triumph as Dagan slowly backs away, muttering about my losing sanity and other things as he collected his own kitchen supplies.

“My sanity is the least of your worries.” Smiling mischievously, I relish the new air that wasn’t crowed with others and quickly turn back to my work. I still need to fix the orange juice for Elli and make sure there was not a single speck of pulp.

“So where are your mother and father?” I inquire suddenly, finding that the air was too silent for my taste. Now that he was on the other side of the kitchen, I didn’t mind in sharing a convivial conversation.

“At work.” Dagan remarks brusquely, clearly not happy about his new seating arrangement. He’d just have to grow up and accept the consequence of his actions.


“Planning world domination…again.” He sighs, causing me to giggle. Most would be worried about this, but herein the mansion, it was a daily routine.

Feeling the steam of water boil in the pot, I find my eyes slowly drifting downward as I grab for an object to cut a loaf of bread in my left hand. I didn’t notice that Dagan had been studying my actions with an intrigued gaze.

“Are you ok?” He questions slowly, his eyes on me as I turn around.

“No I’m positively fine…why?” I give him a quizzical glance, finding Dagan’s stare quite vexing.

“You’re trying to chop the bread with an onion.” He points to my hand, steering my gaze to the objects I was holding. Apparently he wasn’t lying.

“Oh, I thought this was a knife.” I remark causally, pretending the incident never happened. In the back of my throat I could feel a cough surfacing, trying force its way through my lips as I quickly turn away from the food and cover my mouth with the sleeve of my arm.

‘It seems the medicine I took this morning is beginning to wear off.’ I thought dryly, feeling my body becoming heavy.

“What are you doing?” I gaze up to see that Dagan was now beside me, his form just inches as he reaches out to me.

“Checking something.” He mummers, resting his hand upon my forehead. I feel my body instantly stiffen at the sudden touch, not knowing wither to stand still or swat the strange action away. In the end though, I chose to stare dumbly at the man.

“Does it involve you being so close?” I notice that my voice cracked on the last word, and pray that Dagan wouldn’t notice. Thankfully he was too busy to even answer my question.

“You have a fever.” He breathes, his tone somewhat thoughtful as my eyes narrow.

“No kidding.” I mutter, pushing his hand away from me. The proximity of his person was to close and caused me to feel my face to turn a rosy scarlet. If there was a time in my life that I said I could never blush, I’d like to smack that past self right on the head for jinxing me.

“Why are you here?” He asks once he was a good inch or two away, letting me to clam my nerves.

“It’s my job.”

“But you’re sick!” he exclaims, shaking his head at my stubbornness.

“No I’m not. Your hand has been over the stove, I think your hallucinating.” I scoff, attending back to the food. The water was at a perfect boil and now all I need to do was add the ingredients and vegetables. It was such a shame though when Dagan decides to shove me away from the stove.

“Go sit down.” The tone of authority catches me slightly off guard, but I just brush it off as I try to shove my way back to the stove.

“I can’t, whose going to make lunch?” I ask, not seeing that there was really anyone left in the home that could cook at this time.

“What do you think I’ve been doing?” He raises a brow at this, causing me to glance innocently towards his own counter.

“Playing pretend chef?” I murmur sheepishly, feeling my body being pushed towards a small table by the window. It was usually for the cook whenever he would eat his own food, but seeing that Stanley was still on vacation I guess he wouldn’t mind.

“To the table, now.” He commands, leaving me little choice as I mutter incoherent words under my breath.

Seating myself, I glare over to the man as I try to burn him with my gaze. It didn’t work though, seeing he wasn’t fazed at all as he takes my place and works on making something. God only knew it turn out to be come freaky since experiment that would kill us all. I wasn’t able to see what ingredients he was using, but from the smell I could tell he was using a broth of some sort.

Watching from the side lines, he finally finishes his concoction and pours it into a bowl.

“What is this?” I eye the bowl he placed before me, my voice cautious as Dagan ignores my comment.

“Soup.” He says simply, seating himself across from me with a plate full of an assortment of vegetables and bread.

“Is it edible?” I question suspiciously, sniffing the substance with interest. I know I probably should have been polite like most girls, but with my mind numb from being sick and my head starting to hurt, it appeared that mannerism wouldn’t be my strong point for today.

At my words I receive a firm glare from Dagan, clearly stating that I’d either eat it or he just might leap over the table and force feed me. Without hesitation, I lift the spoon that was in the soup and took a small sip. The taste of chicken invades my senses as I gulp down the delicious substance.

“It’s actually good.” I marvel, my eyes slightly wide as I glance up to see a victory expression upon Dagan’s handsome face.

“Nice to know.” He smirks, continuing to eat his own food. The two of us sat in silence as I greedily swallowed down the soup, realizing that I had forgotten to eat at school today. Most of the time I was good about getting in my three meals a day, but seeing that there was no Janet and our group was off on different projects I decided to head to the library to get work done. It wasn’t a smart plan, seeing that the computers were all being hogged by English class.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate as I finish the last of my lunch, catching me off guard.

‘Who’s calling?’ I thought to myself, reaching for the phone that was in the skirt pocket.

“Hello?” I answer abruptly, my eyes still on Dagan as he quietly ate his meal. He didn’t appear disturbed by the sudden phone call and instead carry on with filling his own appetite.

“Hey Evett.” I hear Janet say on the other line, her voice not as warm as it usually is. It sounded hollow, as though the life within her had been drained away. It chills me.

“I was trying to contact you all morning, were where you?” I ask with concern, keeping my voice low as I feel Dagan blue gaze on me.

“Can you come over right now?” She pleads.

“I’m at my job…what’s wrong?” I insist, hoping I wouldn’t have to leave.

“Please, I need to talk to you.” She says before the phone dies, leaving me to listen to the silence on the other end. Looking over to Dagan, I found myself trying to sum up the right words. I knew leaving wasn’t a wise idea, but urgency in Janet’s voice frighten me. What could have happened that made her on insisting me to leave at this moment?

“Dagan?” I begin, seeing his focus was already on me.

“Go. You already done most of your for today.” He says, waving me off as quickly collect my stuff.

“Thank you.” Without knowing I quickly wrap my arms around Dagan before strolling off, not caring if I just left him stunned by my actions. All I was worried about was my friend, and the possibilities that made her sound so cheerless.


Watching the girl leave, Dagan silently let out a shaky sigh. He hadn’t expected that kind of

Glancing behind him, Dagan realizes that he wasn’t alone.

“It seems you got here without being seen.” Dagan comments causally, watching as a reflection of himself appears at the opposite side of the room. From his view he could see that the two of them appeared to share the same taste of clothing, both of them relaxed in a pair of jeans and casual shirts that fitted them well. It scared Dagan at times of another copy of him walking the streets, but he knew better. If anything, their personalities were what identified their true individuality.

“Is she always this energetic in the morning?” Devin inquires, his eyes lingering on the exit that Evett had just left through.

“Unfortunately.” Dagan sighs in exhaustion, pretending that the girl was a thorn at his side. Yet, despite her moody nature he couldn’t help but smile at her strangeness.

Turning his attention back to his twin, he remembered why he had asked him to be here.

“You still need to explain.” He smirks, seeing that Devin was already seating himself at the small table. The longer haired twin could only agree with a stiff nod. He knew this was coming for a while now.

“Where to start.” Devin smiles sadly, recalling the memories that were beginning to overflow his mind.

This was going to take a while.
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Thank you for the all the wodnerful comments! I'm sorry this chapter took a while but I hope it was ok :)