I’m Not A Servant Sir, I’m A Maid

I Can Be Nice

"You can stop with the hand holding now, I prefer my palms dry unlike your sweaty ones." Dagan remarks with irritation, which I just shrug off as I grip his right hand with much determination. This made him sigh in default.

At the moment we were all in a Mercedes limo that not to seconds ago Elizabeth had called for. Lets just say, everyone pretty much worshiped them and never left them waiting. I guess my life would be weighed hand and foot if I had cash like that.

"Have you ever try being nice for once, I mean the real nice, not that crap you pulled on that girl nice?" I question loudly, making Elizabeth turn her gaze from the window to us, her child eyes filled with interest. She was seated across from us, giving much distance between Dagan and I who were to our displeasure, were seated next to each other.

The driver just raised the inside glass, separating the front from the back were we were. I guess he was wise in doing so; probably knowing something would cause a fine argument between Dagan and I.

"Maybe, maybe not, what business is it of yours?" He raises a brow, not even casting a mere glance to my form.

"Oh I don't know, I was just curious. Seeing you can never show the slightest bit of kindness towards a human being." I replied flatly, shaking my head slowly before seeing Dagan's face turned disgusted. Get ready.

"I do show kindness. Just not to you since your too sarcastic, if not blunt for a girl." His voice uttered through a hint of clenched teeth. He was really biting his tongue now.

"Ah, really? I thought you never showed it towards me because you're stuck up, if not ignorant." I said casually, gazing at my nails with a thoughtful expression.

"Ignorant? You're the ignorant one you shameless girl!" I could hear his teeth grind from the inside, making me smile with satisfaction.

"Oh shut it you sadist." I muttered before a hand gripped my chin, forcing my eyes to look directly to Dagan's heated ones.

"Listen here, don't go talking crap to me! I can fire you like that and leave you to walk your prissy arise home." He hissed as I tried to move my face away but held my chin in a firm grip. Elizabeth's eyes widen but dared not intervene. The driver seemed oblivious even with the commotion going on in the back. but than again, maybe that's the reason he put the glass up in the first place.

"Do you understand?" He questions, looking straight into my pained brown hues.

"Oww, let go of me-" was all I was able to mouth out before I felt him harshly pull me closer.

"Do you understand?" He repeats, this time more sternly, demanding.

"Yes, now let Me GO !" I cry out and thankfully, he let go admittedly. I scoot away, letting myself nurse my now slightly bruising chin. I look to see Elizabeth still having her eyes glued firmly to the window, ignoring what her brother had just done. That's one way to stay out of trouble, forget everything and act invisible.

"Good." I heard Dagan sighed in approval, which I just glared up but was stunned to see his gaze was much softer now.

"You ok?" he reachs out to my face again, but in response, I unwillingly flinched at the contact. This causes him to place his arm back to himself. His expression turns to one of guilt.

"I'm sorry about that." His apologizes sincerely, catching me off guard.

"Try not to get me mad ok? I tend to forget about my own strength sometimes." He adds as I nod in agreement.

"I see. Ill try to keep that in mind." I murmur wearily as silence filled the car. Elizabeth just stares off to space for the hundredth time, while both Dagan and I just did the same. The driver seemed never to blink through the dark glass, just twitch every time we hit a small bump. Weirdo.

"You know what?" Dagan's says finally through the silence, his voice a little to pleasant than his once bored, velvety tone.

"Hmm?" I merely spare a glance before looking back to the buildings, acting mildly interested to what he had to say.

"To show you I'm kind, Ill do something for you."

"Like what? Be my slave? give me a raise? They all sound lovely." My tone was one of malice, I held grudges easily, one of my many flaws you could say.

"No, I mean I could maybe drive you first class." from the corner of my eyes, I could see him roll his blue hues, yet never once did they look away.

"Where?" I inquire.

"What school do you attend?" Dagan smiles with his brilliant teeth, scaring me completely. No. No way in hell!

"Oh god no.." I stare at him, deadpanned.

"Huh?" He apparently didn't see the consequences of his idea.

"No, how about you don't! I shout, scooting till my body was pressed securely to the door.

"Why not? Most girls would love to ride in a high quality limo." He states in a mater-of-fact tone, motioning toward the girls who we have passed by during the ride, their eyes filled with yearning.

"That's the problem. I don't want to arrive in an expensive limo, nor do I want to be seen near one!" I exclaim once again, causing the car grew silent. From the side, you could almost hear Elizabeth barely holding back a giggle. Dagans lips quickly form into a smirk. Great.

"Then its settled." He declares, leaning back into the leather seat with his confident smirk. This took me for a loop.

"What?!" I shrike, god my voice can really reach up there. I think I even gave the poor driver a tad bit of a heart attack as the car suddenly swerved for a second.

"You will be escorted by me to your school. This will show you I do have a bit of niceness in me." Though it wasn't a command, I knew he would stick with it.

'Niceness my ass.' I thought grimly.

"This is payback isn't it?" I hiss, seeing his amused appearance never leaving.

"Who knows? Anyway just give me your address and I'll come pick you up." With that, he hands me a pencil and paper from god knows were. I grumble something under my breath before signing my life away.

'This is going to end up badly.'