I Love the Way You Shiver Beneath My Touch

One Shot

Gerard sat in the front room with his younger brother Mikey sat by his side.
Their mother and father had gone out to work that morning, which left Mikey and Gerard alone for three hours after school until their parents came home.

“Gerard?” Mikey’s eyes glinted with a feeling he didn’t understand as he turned to his brother.

“Mm?” The older boy answered with his eyes still fixed to the television.

“I…” He paused for a second whilst thinking deeply.

“Um, I’m going to go to my bedroom.” He mumbled after changing his mind about what he was going to tell his brother.

“Alright.” Gerard mumbled.
His brother sighed and then made his way up to his bedroom.
The older brother watched his brother walk away from him and up the stairs to his bedroom.
He was worried about Mikey to say the least as he had been acting differently around him for the last couple of weeks and it was starting to get to Gerard.
Whilst Gerard sat downstairs worrying, his brother had collapsed onto his bed thinking deeply.
After a few minutes, Mikey unbuttoned his skinny jeans and slipped his hand down into his boxers where he started stroking himself.
He moaned Gerard’s name lightly and thought about the time he accidentally walked in on Gerard whilst he was showering; he remembered that was the first time he realised he had feelings for his brother.

Gerard’s Point Of View

I sat on the sofa for a bit longer just thinking of what could be up with Mikey.
After a while I decided to go and check on him and see if he wanted to talk about what’s up with him.
I headed up the stairs and was walking over towards his door to see it was open slightly.
I smiled to myself as I heard Mikey moaning from the depths of his room.
Trust Mikey to masturbate and leave his door open for the world to hear.
Curious though, I went over to his door and looked through the open door at my brother.
I had felt something for Mikey since he was about 12, and now two years on I still have those feelings, I can’t tell anyone though because incest’s illegal and I don’t know how my friends would react about it… plus I don’t want Mikey to hate me.
I looked through to see Mikey lying on his bed with his jeans and boxers around his ankles.
His hand was around his dick and he was pumping himself with his eye’s clenched shut.
I was getting hard just watching him and I had to refrain myself from sticking my own hand down my pants.
“Oh… fuck, Gee.” He groaned causing me to stare wide-eyed at him.
I slowly backed away from the door and turned to my own bedroom as he continued to jerk off about me.
I couldn’t help but be shocked at what I had heard but then again, deep down inside I was ecstatic he felt the same way about me.

I sat at the kitchen table whilst watching mom bustle around the kitchen making breakfast for Mikey, dad and me.
It was Saturday morning so no one had to go to school or work meaning Mikey was only just staggering out of his bed and into the kitchen.
He smiled brightly at me and sat in the chair opposite mine.

“Morning Gee.” He said brightly.
I nodded and looked down at the steaming coffee bellow me.
It took all of my self-restrain I could not reach across the table, grab his shoulders and kiss him passionately.
Mom placed some waffles in front of us both and told us to tuck in along with dad who had seated himself next to Mikey.

“So what are you two doing today?” Mom asked us whilst leaning back against the counter.
I just shrugged so she sighed and turned to Mikey.

“I think I might be going to Frank’s house, he said he was going to call sometime today about it.”

“Why don’t you go out with Ray and Bob today Gerard?” Mum asked from her same spot.

“Because I’d prefer to stay home.” I muttered and finished my waffles.

“You need to get out more.” I rolled my eyes at dads comment and looked across the table at Mikey who was staring down at his orange juice looking extremely uncomfortable.

“What are you doing today?” I asked to change the subject from me.

“Your father and I are going Christmas shopping.” I nodded and stood up from the table.
I put my dishes in the sink and thanked mom before heading upstairs.
I collapsed onto my bed and laid back thinking.
It had been a month since I heard Mikey moaning my name and I had heard him several times since then so I was finding it difficult to be in the same room as him, let alone talk to him.

Mikey’s Point Of View

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist before leaving the bathroom.
As I stepped into the hallway, Gerard came out of his bedroom fully dressed; he looked up at me and then directed his eyes to the floor.

“I, um, I’m going to get some cigarettes, do you want anything?”

“Can you get me some chewing gum?”

“Yeah sure.” He smiled briefly at me and made his way down stairs whilst I went into my room.
As soon as I heard the front door close, I dropped my towel and began to think of Gerard again; I couldn’t help it, he’s just so addictive!
Apparently I hadn’t heard the front door open again because the next thing I knew, my door had been swung open to reveal Gerard standing there looking surprised.

“Ah shit, sorry Mikey.” He said quickly and shut the door again whilst I stood there embarrassed and naked.
I swore to myself and wrapped my towel around my waist; he must have heard me moaning his name when he walked in.
I quickly exited my room and went straight into his room where I found him sat on the edge of his bed staring into space.
He set his eyes on me and I blushed deeply.

“Um, sorry about that.” I mumbled and nervously rubbed the back of my neck.
He smiled slightly and stood up.

“I already knew.” He said calmly.
I was still standing in the doorway so he came over and stood confidently in front of me.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused at how he could already know about my feelings for him.

“Well come on Mikey, you’re not exactly the quietest person when jerking off.” I blushed a deep red and fiddled with my hands shyly.
I didn’t know what else to say so I just turned back and quickly went into my room but when I turned around Gee had followed me.

“Gee, please just leave me alone, I’m embarrassed as it is.” I mumbled looking down at my stain-covered carpet.
He shut my bedroom door and sighed deeply before coming over to me like he had done in his room.

“Mikey…” He put both of his hands on my face and tilted it so that I was looking up at him.
He hesitated a moment and then leant down and connected his lips to mine.
Once his soft lips had left mine, I opened my eyes to be met by him still looking down at me.

“…I feel the same way.” I tried not to smile but I couldn’t help it.

“Really?” He nodded, smiling slightly at me.
We were quiet for a few minutes just looking into each other’s eyes.

“Aren’t you cold?” He suddenly asked me, which caused me to remember I was wearing nothing but a towel.

“A little, but I’m all right.” He smirked suddenly and ran his finger down my chest and down to my towel.

“You still have a little ‘problem’ though.” He said, looking up from my towel to look into my eyes.
“I can sort it out for you, if you want?” He suggested with his eyes glinting.
“If err, if you want to.” I answered nervously.
He smiled and pushed me gently back against the wall.
His lips met mine again and he kissed me passionately.
His tongue ran across my bottom lip causing me to open my mouth slightly for him.
His tongue met mine and battled for dominance with his tongue winning and exploring my mouth.
Once we had parted for some much needed air, Gee’s hands found their way down to my towel, which he let fall to the floor.

“You sure you want me to?” He asked with his lips still millimetres away from mine.
I nodded my head so he latched his lips to my neck and started sucking on it.
I moaned and leant my head back against the wall to give him more skin.
He stopped sucking on my neck after leaving his mark and started kissing down my chest until he was on his knees.
I moaned as he took me into his mouth.
He started bobbing his head up and down and my hands found their way into his silky black hair.

“Fuck, Gee.” I moaned with my eyes clenched shut.
They snapped open though when my phone started ringing from my bedside table.
I looked down at Gerard who had stopped and was looking up at me.

“Just leave it.”

“I can’t, it might be Frankie.” Gerard rolled his eyes as I reached for my phone.
I looked at the caller ID to see it was Frank who was calling.
I put my phone to my ear and looked down at Gee who was now looking around my room.

“Hey Mikey!” Frank’s cheery voice boomed through.

“Hiya Frankie.” I sighed.

“Guess what?”


“I’m in a band!” He exclaimed excitedly.

“That’s great!” I exclaimed back but gasped involuntarily when I felt Gee’s mouth engulf me again.
I looked down at him to see him smiling, well attempting to anyway.

“What was that for?” Frank asked sounding confused.

“I don’t know what you mean?” I managed to get out.

“It doesn’t matter. Anyway, the band’s called Pencey Prep and I’m doing vocals and guitar!” He sounded so excited but I couldn’t congratulate him because of the moans I was trying to hold back.

“Mikey? You still there?” My free hand had made it’s way back into Gerard’s hair, which I gripped between my fingers in order to hold back the moans I was dying to let out but failed as one slipped from my lips causing Gee to attempt to smile again.

“Oh god! Mikey please do not say you’re jerking off whilst on the phone to me!” Frank exclaimed.

“I-I’m n-not.” I managed to get out.

“So that means…” He went quiet as if he was thinking.

“You finally have a boyfriend?”

“Uh-huh.” I managed to get out before hanging up and dropping my phone onto the floor.
Gerard pulled his mouth off of me and smirked.

“What’s wrong baby?” He asked with a smirk playing across his lips.

“Did you really have to carry on giving me a blow job whilst I was on the phone?” I asked as his fingers gently grazed over my, still hard, member.

“Well I was bored and you was just standing there naked and still hard so I thought I might as well try and finish what I started.” I leaned back against the wall again when Gee took me back into his mouth.
I moaned Gerard’s name over and over again until I came into his mouth.
I was breathing heavily trying to get my breath back whilst Gee stood up and kissed me passionately.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to my naked body.
I smiled into the kiss as I felt the bulge, in Gerard’s jeans, against my leg.
I let my hand fall down and I rubbed him through the thick blue material.
He moaned into the kiss as I went to undo his belt buckle.
He pulled away and took my hands in his.

“I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to Mikey.” I looked at him and smiled slightly at how he had suddenly become all brotherly again.

“I want to return the favour.”

“You can another time. Now get dressed before mom and dad get home.” I frowned at him as he kissed me before turning to leave my room.

“Oh and Mikey? Remember not to tell anyone about this otherwise we’ll both get into really big trouble.” I nodded so he turned and left.
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