Status: Work In Progress

How Strange, Meeting You Here

Angels Exist

"HEY, WHAT'S UP CHICAGO?!" Alex yelled into the microphone.

The crowd screamed in excitement.

Everyone was sweaty already, although the concert had started only a few minutes ago. Everyone was pumped.

"Now, I'm going to start off with a song called 'Weightless.' It goes a little like this." Alex said, being interrupted by screaming fans.That was my cue to start playing my bass guitar, and singing back up vocals.

I did my part. I played my heart out. Alex sang. Jack played his guitar and hopped around the stage. Rian beat on his drums.

I felt fine... Until my eyes strayed to the crowd. My eyes zeroed in on a girl in the third or fourth row.

Well, GIRL seems like an understatement.

She looked like an angel on earth.

"Zack... ZACK!" Matt yelled from behind the stage curtain. Apparently, I had stopped playing the bass.I quickly picked up where I'd stopped... But I was in a daze. I couldn't stop LOOKING at her.She was dancing with what looked like her friends. She jumped at the beat of Rian's drums. She swayed to Alex's voice. She had long, dark brown hair, and wide bright blue eyes. Her cheeks were rosy, and she looked.. just plain HAPPY.

"ZACK!" Matt yelled again. I shook my head, trying to focus. I played the last few notes, hoping nobody noticed.

"Alright guys, we're going to take a little break.." Alex said into the mic. We walked off stage.

"Dude, WHAT has gotten into you?" Matt asked me, as soon as we got off stage. I just shook my head, and mumbled a pathetic excuse.

As Alex, Rian, and Jack went to the right, I went to the left, and straight into the boy's bathroom.I splashed some cold water on my face. 'Get it together,' I told myself. 'You don't even know her NAME.' I chanted, over and over, trying to listen to myself. Before I knew it, the door banged open.

I was face-to-face with a very pumped, and sweaty, Jack.

"DUDE, WE'RE ON! LET'S GO!" He all but yelled in my ear. I was kind of disappointed. I wanted to think about Angel-Girl some more.

I followed Jack out, quite reluctantly I might add. I plastered a smile on my face, and did my job.

I had to admit, I had fun. I always do. No matter what kind of day I'm having, music brightens up my mood. Always.

Sweat pooled my forehead as we headed off the stage when the concert ended. As we headed to the bus, Alex talked to me."You know tonight is that meet-n-greet, right?" Alex asked me, probably noticing my confused expression.

"I totally forgot about that!" I said, enthused. Maybe Angel-Girl would be there.

Alex looked just as excited as I felt. "Can't wait to see Lexi." As soon as he said 'Lexi,' his eyes shone with happiness. Lexi was Alex's girlfriend of about 7 months, and so far, she was my favorite. I didn't really like Lisa.. Jack was jumpy, too. His girlfriend of one year, Olivia, was going to be there. Olivia is the only girl I've really seen make Jack fall head over heels for. She was cool.

We got to the meet-n-greet, and Lexi greeted Alex with a huge hug. Olivia greeted Jack by jumping on his back.

The, uh, female fans didn't really approve of that.

"HEY, BE NICE, THIS IS MY GREAT AUNT BERTHA, HERE!" Jack yelled, as Olivia clutched to his back, and changed her voice to sound of an old woman's and said 'THAT'S RIGHT, KIDDIES!'

I laughed silently. Rian was occupied with his girlfriend, Kara. She was pretty cool.
When the fans noticed I was all alone, I was bombarded. Hands came at me, trying to grab hold of me. girls pushed, shoved, and someone got a hold of my shirt, and yanked. I stood there, now shirtless. I tried to block my face.

"Uh, HELP?!" I half-shrieked. All the guys were pre-occupied.

A hand with pretty red nails got a good hold of my bicep, and yanked me away from the others.

I rubbed my eyes. "Hey, thanks.. for that." I said, grateful.

"You're welcome." the girl breathed. She sounded nervous. I looked up at her.

My eyes just about popped out of my head.

Before me stood the Angel-Girl I had been obsessing over the entire night.
"I'm Zack," I managed to choke out.

"Elizabeth." She said, holding out her hand. I shook it.

I could feel myself smiling.

"Oh, wow.." She said, wrapping her arms around her torso.

"What is it?" I asked, perplexed.

"I just... I never actually thought I woukd be standing here, talking to Zack Merrick.." She said, sounding out of breath.

"You're a ... fan?" I asked stupidly. 'Duh...' I told myself. 'Why else would she BE here?'

"Of course. Ever since you guys started," she said, flashing me a small smile. Her teeth looked like pearls. "But, you've always been my favorite.." she added, in a voice so small I barely heard it.

My mouth dropped.

"I-I'm sorry.." She said quickly, misreading my expression.

"DUDE! Let's head out!" Rian yelled, his arm slung around Kara's shoulders. Alex and Lexi were no where to be seen, and Jack and Olivia skipped uinto the bus, hand-in-hand.

"I guess you have to go." She said, visibly sad.

"Hang on," I muttered. I got a sharpie from my pocket, and wrote my number on her arm.
I kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks for saving me tonight. Call me." I called to her, as Matt practically dragged me away.

Her fingers were touching the place where I had kissed her. Her smile showed how happy she was.

I smiled and waved as I got on the bus.
Angels really DO exist.
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but this is a one-shot i wrote on another site. i've decided to make it into a story :D
hope ya'll likey :)