Status: Work In Progress

How Strange, Meeting You Here


- Zack -

A feeling of warmth spread throughout my stomach as our bus rolled away from Elizabeth, and the other screaming fans. I still waved, even when she couldn’t see me anymore.

Jack sat down next to me. “Holy. Mother. Was that a… a GIRL you were just talking to, Zachary? A FEMALE SPECIES?”

I flipped him off, and he laughed. “Yes, yes it was. Piss off.”

He elbowed me numerous times, and waggled his eyebrows. “I can tell this wasn’t just an ordinary fan. Eh? Eh? Am I right? Am I right?” He was still waggling his eyebrows like a freak.

I rolled my eyes, and didn’t even bother answering. Olivia bounded out of the bathroom, came up behind Jack, and smacked the back of his head. “I’m pretty sure Jack doesn’t want to listen to your crap after a show, Jackery. And so what if he DID find a girl? GOOD FOR ZACK.” She practically yelled, smacking the back of his head again.

“Jesus, woman..” Jack muttered. He rubbed the back of his head.

Olivia swooped down and kissed the corner of his mouth. “Ya know I love you, babe. Just don’t be a pain, ‘kay? ‘Kay.” She kissed him again, and walked to the back of the bus, to play on the Play Station with Rian.

* * *
For the next three days, I never lost sight of my phone. It was always glued to my hand. I wrote down lyrics that came to me, random lyrics. The guys noticed.

“Dude, what’s up your butt? You’re acting so… Un-Zackish.” Alex said one morning, noticing that I kept re-checking my phone.

She still hadn’t called.

I ignored Alex, and walked to my bunk, hoping to catch some Z’s. But I knew that wasn’t really going to happen. I’d been exhausted lately, because I hadn’t gotten much sleep since the show. I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Just as I was about to drift into sleep, my phone rang. My eyes snapped open, and I checked the caller I.D.


Not a number I was familiar with. But I was hopeful; it could be Elizabeth.

I let it ring once more, so I didn’t seem eager. “Um… Hello?”

“Zack? Hey, its Elizabeth. You know, from the concert.”

I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face the instant I heard her voice. “Oh, hey! I was wondering when you’d call!” Oh my God, did I seriously just say that?

To my surprise, she laughed, although, it was a nervous sound. “To be honest… I didn’t want to seem too… eager,” she admitted in a small voice. “But I just couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted to talk to you.”

I was surprised. “I wanted to talk to you, too.” I said quietly, feeling the blush creep up my neck.

“ELIZABETH!” I heard a deep voice shout in the background. “ELIZABETH, GET DOWN HERE NOW!” The voice was slurred, and it was definitely a male’s voice.

Her voice was muffled as she called back. “C-Coming.” She sounded weary. Her voice returned to normal. “Z-Zack… I have to go, but text me at this number, al--?” Her voice was cut off. I heard a thud, most likely the phone hitting the carpet.

“Elizabeth? Elizabeth?” I said, frantically.

I called her name out numerous times. I heard loud noises, as if furniture hitting against each other.

Then I heard a scream. A bloodcurdling scream of terror.

My hands shook as I took the phone from my ear, and tried to figure out how I could track the number.

‘YES,’ I thought to myself. She was only about twenty minutes away from where the bus was stationed, for now.

I ran toward the door, phone in my hand.

“Where the fu--?” Jack called after me. But I didn’t hear the rest; I had to find her.

I had to.
♠ ♠ ♠
my brother is going on the computer :/
i'll try and write more tonight, k?