Status: Work In Progress

How Strange, Meeting You Here


- Elizabeth -

I could feel my breath catch in my throat as I struggled to comprehend the words that Zack just spoke. I glanced back at Anna, who looked very upset. She glared at me with hatred.

I looked towards Zack. “W-What?” I wasn't completely sure that I had heard him correctly.

He leaned forward on the table, his elbows against the wood, our faces close. “Elizabeth,” he began, his eyes sparkling. “Will you be my girlfriend?” He tried to look confident and cool, but I noticed his hands shaking on the table.

I could hear my blood pounding in my ears, as my stomach curled with pure happiness. I broke into a smile. “Ye--”

Before I could even finish saying 'yes,' I was cut off by Zack's lips on mine. I didn't know what was happening, and I felt stupid. I finally closed my eyes, and lived in the moment. Zack's lips were sweeter than sugar, despite the spaghetti and meatballs he just ate. I put my hands on either side of his face. I knew it wasn't exactly polite to kiss in public, but in this moment, I didn't care. The only thing that was on my mind was Zack. It seemed as if he made all the problems go away. He made me feel light, happy. He made me feel... right. I'd never felt this way before. Ever.

I eventually pulled away, just to see Zack smiling at me, his eyes still sparkling. I smiled back, full of happiness.

Anna came back to collect the check. “Bitch,” she muttered toward me. She took the check, and left. Only muttering that single word.

I rolled my eyes, not caring. Zack, on the other hand, looked really angry. He stood up indignantly, and said, “Hey!” Anna turned around, trying to look bored. She looked more like she was going to cry angry-tears. “That's my girlfriend you're insulting.”

Anna rolled her eyes, and Zack took a step toward her. I felt like flying when he said 'girlfriend', but I grabbed his arm, a half-smile on my face. “Zack, thank you, I do appreciate it.. But let's just go, okay? I liked the food here, and I would sort of hate it if we got banned from this restaurant.” I smiled a small smile at him, trying to ease the tension.

He still looked upset, but nodded. He turned his back on Anna, who stomped away, her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

I looked deep into his eyes. “You okay?”

He nodded, and stood. He took my hand. “Let's go.” Zack spoke, the fire gone from his voice.

A warm, pleasant feeling passed through me, when he grabbed hold of my hand. I smiled, and side-glanced at him. He seemed to be happier now. I squeezed his hand a bit. “Its okay, you know,” I began, fully looking at him now. “I've had worse.”

“It was still a BITCHY thing to say!” Zack spoke with an edge to his voice, getting angry again. “She had no right to say that to you. And besides,” he added in a whisper, “she was frickin' UGLY.”

I had to laugh at that. I squeezed his hand again. “I love that you care, but it's okay. She was just jealous.” The thought of her being jealous of us sent a tingle down my spine. I shivered.

We walked out of the bistro, and made our way towards the bus. Our fingers still interlaced, walking in sync. Maybe tonight wasn't the ideal' date, but it was an amazing one. And I loved it.

We got to the bus, and Zack stopped at the steps. I stopped too, confused. He turned to face me, and drew me in closer towards him. Our faces were only inches apart. He leaned in, closing that extra space, and pecked me on the lips. I kissed him back, struggling not to smile and ruin the kiss. I smiled at him when he pulled away. “Sorry, had to do that.” He said, sounding as happy as I felt. He still clutched my hand in his. All the fire was gone from his eyes, replaced by happiness. “Ready to be bombarded?” He asked, sarcastically.

I smiled and laughed. “Oh, totally. Been looking forward to it all night!”

Seeing my fake-excited expression, he laughed. He led the way onto the bus.

I guess I should have expected what was in front of me.

Alex sat with Lexi on his lap on the couch. Jack sat next to Alex, with Olivia on the floor against his knees. Rian sat at the edge of the couch, texting. Alex, Lexi, Jack, and Olivia were all staring at the door, awaiting our arrival.

As Zack put it, I was bombarded with questions. All at once.

“What happened? How was dinner? What did you talk about?” Lexi jumped up, not even stumbling on her stilettos, and came toward me, half-yelling.

Olivia jumped up next, tripping over the oversized sweatpants—Jack's I assume—on the way toward me. She yelled even louder than Lexi. “Did he kiss you? Are you guys a thing now?”

Jack didn't even bother getting up. But he yelled towards Zack. “DID YOU GET SOME? HEH? HEH?”

Alex stayed, with Rian—who wasn't even paying attention. Rian was busy looking down at his phone, texting or whatever. Alex just stared at Lexi, his eyes in another world. I was the only one that noticed, despite Lexi and Olivia yelling in my face.

I glanced toward Zack, who was being yelled at by Jack. His cheeks and neck were a bright shade of pink. I laughed, and Olivia and Lexi walked me to my bunk, dropping their voices to whispers.

We sat at my bunk, all three of us, miraculously, fitting on. “So,” Lexi began, her eyes shining with mischief, “tell us EVERYTHING. Don't leave a thing out.”

Olivia had already leaned forward, her hands folded and ready to listen. I smiled, grateful that I actually had people to talk to about tonight. I was bursting to tell someone.

I told them everything. From dinner, to the questions, Anna, the kisses, everything. It felt so good to talk about it. I could still feel the butterflies in my stomach, that had been there all night.

Lexi looked at me in awe. “Zack stood up for you? That's so cute. He's like, a marshmallow now. He's never been a softie for girls!” She looked rather excited now..

Olivia spoke next. “This is gonna last. I can just tell.” The smiled at me, and I smiled back with full enthusiasm.

We fell asleep, after hours of talking about love, tonight, Alex, Jack, and Zack.

Today was the perfect day.

I have friends now. AND a boyfriend.

What could be better?
♠ ♠ ♠
i hate this chapter.
i felt like i could have gone more into detail, but i cant really tell how..
sorry. but here! i've alreday started the next chapter.
thanks for reading! :D