Status: slowly adding on

Assassin's love

following the stranger

I was just sitting there picking flowers. I had on a deep purple dress and a black cloak. I was sitting outside the castle picking a beuatiful white rose when my friend cloud came up. I didnt see him at first but when i did i ran to him and jumped into his arms. i screamed "cloud! i have missed you so much! You've been gone for 2 weeks now!" He just laughs and says "yes ashley. Master sent me out to burn a village far away, but you need to get ready we leave tonite to finish masters work." I nodded agreement. Cloud kisses my cheek and goes back inside. I didnt go back inside at first i stayed outside in the garden mediatating. It was pretty dark by me i heard the gate doors open. i figured it was cloud comming to get me, but i was wrong it was a stranger. Me being me i followed him to see where he was going. He didnt see me at first but he kept lookin back at me when i hid. To stay more hidden i jumped up into a tree. i followed some more then i got to a weak branch and it broke under me and i fell right in front of him. He pulled out his sword when he saw me and i grabbed the dagger out of my boots. He said "why are u following me?" i decided to play dumb "isnt this the way to the village?" he smiles and says "cut the shit we both know ur a smart pretty girl." i stare at him then say " why did you bother my castle?" He says" no reason daggers." i stare at him for awhile but then i hear cloud call my name. I turned away to look back at cloud then i turned around and the stranger was gone with his pale green eyes and his black hooded cloak. I shrugged and ran off to find cloud. When he saw me comming up he asked where i went. i said i went out looking around. he looked at me then nodded and said "ash the master need us now. Its time to go get ready and set out to find our next victums."
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ok...this is the beginning...tell me weather you like it or i writing material? plz do tell me wat u guys think