Don't Fall Apart On Me Tonight

If your head is aching, I'll make it better

Dear Chresh,

How are you? I'm dying here. I can't stand not being able to know how you're doing or see you and make sure you're okay. I've become so used to being able to be right by your side when you don't feel well, comforting you and caring for you.

I'd like to think you're missing it, too. That you miss having me there at your side as much as I miss being there.

But then again, I don't want you to be missing me, because I want you to be as happy as possible, even though going through withdrawals sucks. I just don't want to add to that. As badly as I want you to miss me, I don't want you to. It's all incredibly confusing.

But anyway, all this brings us to the 4th reason you're amazing: I love taking care of you.

Being able to help you when you feel helpless, to give you hope when it all seems hopeless... It gives me purpose, makes me feel needed, like someone would miss me if I was gone.

Also, you're so adorable when you're sick. I know, I know, you don't like being called adorable, but it's the truth. I don't even know how you manage it, but even when you're passed-out drunk, you manage to have this innocent, almost angelic look about you. You get super-cuddly when you're sick or feeling ill because you drank way too much, and I love it. You already know that I'm a cuddler, so you must realize that the fact that you're a cuddly-drunk is great for me.

But honestly, even though I'd prefer you never feel ill in any way, shape or form, I love to take care of you.

And I think, if you're honest, you love it too.

I know it sucks that I can't be there with you. I think we both know it sucks. I hope you've met some nice guys there and that your counselor is all right. I really hope he isn't some asshole or one of those "and how does that make you feel?" idiots, 'cause you'll just end up smacking the thoughtful look of his face and get yourself in trouble.

Seriously, though, try not to get into any trouble until I can come and make sure you don't.

Only 3 more days.

We can do it.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, sorry this is late!
My Casey is living it up in NYC so I have the pleasure of updating this chapter ;)


Seriously. You guys.
We love you so much.

This is one of my favorite things in the entire world, you guys. Tragically, it's not getting enough love. Carpe Diem. Even if you just read the first two chapters, I will be forever in your debt.

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