Warmness on the Soul

A Symphony

A few weeks later and Dylan was strong enough to survive on his own without a ventilator and was off the antibiotics. Matt was relishing being a dad.

“There’s some things in life Gracie you just can’t buy,” he said smiling down at his sleeping son. Grace smiled at the pair as she tidied the room up some (the boys had been in earlier) and changed the bed sheets on Matt’s fold out bed.

“Hey, I’m going to take him back through to the natal unit and get him ready for bed, want to go for a coffee after?”

“Sure,” she said still smiling, “Just let me finish up in here.” she got back to work, putting the old sheets into the giant hamper, “There’s a drought at the fountain of youth and I’m dehydrated!” she sang to herself fairly quietly putting the new sheet on the bed.

Grace turned around and nearly freaked out, Val’s eyes were open, and she was trying to communicate with her. She pressed the ‘Emergency Call Button’ and went over to her, “Hey, hey, calm down, your at Huntington Beach Hospital, I’ll be right back, I’m just going to get Dr Greene and some water,” Grace raced out the room, ran into Lisea, who she told to get Dr Greene while she ran to get some water.

Water jug, cup and cloth at hand, Grace walked back into Val’s room and walked over to the side of the bed opposite Dr Greene. She set the water jug down, moistened it and dabbed Val’s lips a little. Then she poured some in a cup, “Just take sips,” she instructed

Meanwhile, Matt was walking back from putting his son down for the night and passed the nurses station. A little light caught his attention, he glanced up and read the sign ‘Emergency Call Buttons’ and then he looked at the number. Shit, it was Val’s.

He raced back to her room and barged in, “Matty?” Val asked.

He heard her voice and his heart stopped, her voice to him, especially at that moment in time was the sweetest music he could ever think of composing, “I’m here babe, I’m here,” he said rushing over to her bedside.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Grace smiled setting down Val’s chart and walking out, Matt nodded his thanks.

He couldn’t speak, couldn’t comprehend the way he was feeling. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he kissed every part of Val he could reach.


“Yeah babe?” he brushed some hair out of her way.

Tears rolled down her cheek, “Whe-, where are our babies?”
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I think this is almost done, I fulfilled what I said I would.
There will be a sequel, that I've started writing :D.