Warmness on the Soul


Val was out of the ICU some time later and into another private room just off one of the wards for observation. However, both her and Dylan were thriving, and due to be released any day.

Grace was happy for them, she really was, but she didn’t know how she would go about not seeing the boys everyday. During the last few months, they’d become some of her best friends, hence why she was having coffee with Brian and Johnny.

“Brian, quit trying to steal my latté,” she half laughed, half grumbled at him.

“You know, if you hadn’t just worked the nightshift, you would have let me,”

“I don’t think I would have, besides I need the caffeine, I have to go back into work,”

“You just got off,” Johnny piped up.

“Don’t I know it, I feel like death warmed up with this cold. But Matt asked me to be there when Val was discharged so-”

“She’s getting home today?” both Brian and Johnny exclaimed at the same time.

“Yeah, according to Dr Greene, he was going to talk to Matt last night-”

“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Johnny stood up, smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

“Go where Johnny? I have to be at work in an hour-”

“We’re going to Matt’s, the place was a mess the last time I was there, and don’t worry about work Gracie, Matt won’t mind if you’re a little late.”
They cleaned Matt’s house pretty quick, it wasn’t too bad, and got to the hospital about an hour and a half later. Matt already had all of Val’s things ready and Dylan in his car seat.

“Where have you been?” he asked stopping his pacing.

“You’re goofball friends decided we had to do something, anyway, you guy’s ready?” He nodded and Val came in the room, a huge grin on her face as she walked up to her man, she’d previously refused a wheelchair at least four times. She wasn’t an invalid thank you very much.

They drove back to Matt’s. Matt Val and Johnny in one car, and Brian and Grace in the other, sharing idle chit-chat, and occasionally head banging to artists such as Pantera, or Guns N’ Roses when they came on Brian’s mix CD.

They walked into Matt’s, Matt carrying Dylan, and Brian Val’s bags and hung out. When Val decided she’d take Dylan upstairs, and go to bed herself, Matt turned to Grace, “I don’t think I could have done this without you Gracie.” he said giving her a hug.

“You don’t give yourself enough credit-”

“No, seriously Grace, I thought about ending it, I thought about getting rid of all the pain, but after talking with you, and sitting with my son, it knocked sense into me. I’m in your debt for that,”

Grace smiled, “Matt, don’t be silly, I think I’ve told you this more than any other patient’s relative’s: it’s my job Matt, and I don’t think I’d changed it for the world.”
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Epilogue may be up tonight :D