Warmness on the Soul

She Knows What He's On About...

“Why did I become a nurse?” Grace grumbled, switching her alarm clock to snooze, it read 7am. She got up and went downstairs to feed Geoffrey, all the while singing ‘It’s Been A Hard Day’s Night’ by The Beatles. Once Geoff was fed, she went up for a shower, taking longer than usual, seeing as she didn’t have to be in until 9. She got out, and dressed into her scrubs. Grace was one of the few who went into work wearing her scrubs, she’d forget to take them into work if she didn’t.

Looking at the clock she sighed, “Maria’ll be in later to feed you sugar.” she said to the cat, who had to proceeded to wrap himself around her legs. Petting him one last time, she grabbed her keys, phone and purse, and darted out the door. She wasn’t going to be late this morning.

Parking in her usual spot at the very back of the car park, she grabbed her purse again, and headed into the hospital. Then, remembering that her car was still unlocked, she walked back across the car park to lock it. This happened nearly every morning, you’d think she’d remember, but she never did, Grace’s mind, was always on other things.

Grace went to the staff lounge first and deposited her belongings in her locker. Then she went to receive her assignments for the day, turns out she was still with Mrs Sanders, among others. She walked back out onto the ward, intending to go and see to Mrs Sanders, when Lisea, a fellow nurse, stopped her, “I wouldn’t go in there just now.”

“Oh, why not?” Grace asked.

“One of their boys, he died last night, husband’s cut up, understandably, their friends are in just now, trying to calm him down.” Grace nodded, looks like she’d be going in there last then.

She made her rounds, no-one had left the room yet, but there was nowhere else to go. Grace knocked on the door tentatively, she heard a come in, and took that as her cue.

“Hey, dude, we’ll go get you some coffee, something to eat, call your parents back, we’ll be 10 minutes - tops,” Grace heard the man closest to her at the door say. Matt nodded and Grace went over to Val’s chart, checked her vitals, and then checked her IV she was just about to fluff her pillows up when Matt spoke.

“Thanks,” was all he said.

Grace turned to him and smiled with a slight nod, “It’s my job,”

“I, I know, but thanks,” Grace nodded, she understood.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” she said walking towards the door.

“You know, I never understood why people said ‘I’m sorry’ when someone… someone died. I never got it, it’s like they’re apologising for they themselves, for them being the reason they died when it wasn‘t them, they had nothing, nothing to do with it, I don‘t understand. I remember asking my mom ‘why‘ when I was younger, and she always said it made you feel better. The only thing that’ll make me feel better is my little boy back, and, and there’s no way… You have kids?” Grace shook her head, “I have a boy,” he smiled, “A beautiful little boy, who needs his mom…” Grace nodded, and went over to him, placing a caring hand over his shoulder, “Val always liked the name Dylan, after her dad I suppose…”

Grace glanced towards the door, Lisea was there, signalling for her, “Mr Sanders-”

“Call me Matt,” he said.

She nodded, “I have to go,”


“For what?”

“For listening to me, I figure, working here, you might know what I’m going on about half the time,” Grace smiled and nodded once again, leaving him alone with his thoughts.