Warmness on the Soul


“What are you guys still doing here?” Grace asked Matt’s friends, who she’d found out from Brian were called Zacky, Johnny, and Jimmy, “Visiting hours ended hours ago guys, come on, scoot!” she said smiling, ushering them out the room.

Grace, it seemed, had drawn the short straw tonight, she was working the night shift. Her favourite.

She was on her break however, when she decided she’d check in on Matt and she’d found the stowaways.

“Hey, mind if I join you?” she asked Matt, when he shook his head, she sat down on the chair across from his, “How you holding up?”

Matt shrugged, “I’ve been better.” Grace nodded in understanding, “The guys cancelled tour and stuff so you know…”


“We’re in a band,” he explained, “Do you not know who we are?” Matt asked incredulously.

Grace shook her head, “Should I? What kind of music do you play? What are you guys called.” she bombarded him with questions, “I don’t mean to pry.”

“Not at all, I don’t mind, we’re called Avenged Sevenfold and we play sort of heavy punk, metal music.” Grace nodded her head this time, “So, ICU nurse, how did that come about?”

“I was a floor nurse,” Grace began.

“A what?”

“I worked on the wards,” she smiled, “And then the opportunity to shadow an ICU nurse opened up and I jumped at the chance. I’m glad I did. Not long after, a job opened up.

“This job is a rollercoaster ride, I never know what’s around the corner, both physically and emotionally, emotionally especially. I go home everyday, knowing I gave my patient my full attention, all the care they need, whereas when I worked the wards, I was so busy, I would never have been able to say ‘hello’ to you, never mind get to know you, get to know a bit about my patient. In the few years I’ve worked the ICU, I’ve learned so much more - sorry, I’m rambling…”

“Don’t be sorry, it shows me how much you care about your job. I like it. I like knowing Val’s in good hands.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a bit of a filler to be honest.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know, I now fully know where I'm going with this! It's a miracle right? The last chapter came to me in a dream, so that's done and dusted haha and I'm 6 chapters in, that happens way too often.

Anyway, there might be another chapter up tonight, depends how long I want to put my English essays off for haha.
