Warmness on the Soul


A few days later and Grace found herself working earlys, however, nearing the end of her shift, she could be found talking with Brian as she brightened up Val’s room.

“So, is it true that she can hear us?” Brian asked.

“Yeah, she can hear everything. There’s reported cases of people waking up and being able to recite nearly everything that’s been said to them, there’s also cases of people waking up upon hearing a loved one’s voice.” Brian nodded, taking the information in.

“So, like your saying that if we surround Val with things that are special to her, that are important, she may wake up sooner?”

“Well, it’s not definite, but there have been several cases-”

“Don’t talk about her like a statistic.” Brian exclaimed, then realising what he’s said to her, how his tone must have made her feel he corrected himself, swallowed his pride and apologised.

“That’s quite alright, I shouldn’t ha-”

“It wasn’t you, I just- I hate all this, you know? I feel helpless, we’re here everyday and I hate myself for thinking this, but I don’t know if it’s all worthwhile.”

“Of course it’s all worthwhile! Val needs you guys now, more than ever,”

“It’s just so hard, we were always the ones who needed her, she was our leg to stand on. I can’t imagine how Matt’s feeling. What can I do? How can I help?”

“You just have to be there for him, be there through all of this, help with his son, and when, when Val wakens up, be there. That’s really all you can do.” she said walking over to him and placing a caring hand on his shoulder, holding a vase of flowers in the other.

“Grace, shifts over, would you mind dropping me off?” Lisea said, popping her head in the door, “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to inter-”

“It’s fine Lisea, I’m just coming.” Grace placed the Vase of lilies on the bed-side cabinet and smiled towards Brian, “See you tomorrow?”

“Depends, what time are you working?”

“Um… I need to check the board but I think I have the same shift.” Brian nodded.

“Until then,”

“Until then,” Grace confirmed smiling. Brian surprised her by standing up and giving her a one armed hug. She walked out the room just as a nurse wheeled in a clear, plastic bassinet with Matt closely behind her, never once taking her eyes off, what Grace realised must have been his little boy.

Brian stood up, “This our new pro-wrestler?” he asked walking over to the bassinet, “Matt, he’s, he’s beautiful dude, really, isn’t he Grace?” Grace looked up upon hearing her name. She walked over to them, Lisea following close behind.

“Yeah, stunner if I ever saw one,” she smiled down at him, then looked at Matt. She’d seen a few new father’s in her time, but she’d be hard pushed to find one with as much pride in his eyes as Matt did. Looking into his eyes, she knew that he’d try and stay as strong as possible, if not for himself, then for his son. He’d just need help, that’s all.