Sequel: Call It Karma
Status: Done :)

Sweet Illusions

the favor.

"What the hell happened to my game room?" Kennedy squealed after letting out a shocked scream. Elliot jumped out of bed thinking this was a serious emergency in her white tank top and green boxer shorts and ran out into the hallway until she saw Kennedy standing in a doorway. "It was my beautiful man cave, what happened?" His eyes growing wide with such a sadness you'd think his cat got killed.

"Gabrielle," She laughed, not even mad that she had been awaken so crudely. The fact Kennedy seemed so genuinely upset about nothing was entertaining. She smiled at the now pink room, covered with posters of boy bands and frilly mementos. It was the quintessential young girl's room.

"Who the hell is Gabrielle? Is that a person? What does that even mean?" Kennedy spewed out questions at a million words per second, afraid to even step into the pink room. He was currently mourning the loss of his game room he had perfected to be the perfect retreat.

"She's your step-sister, and it means something about God and love or something like that, it's French. It's a girl's name," Elliot chuckled, she couldn't even begin to fathom how upset he was. After all it was just a game room and it had been moved to where his father's office had been. Which was of course smaller, but it didn't seem like that big of a deal.

"Wait? There's another one of you? Where is she then and where is my game room?" He asked seeming both interested and whiny. Elliot raised her eyebrows at his choice of words, but decided he was probably just being overdramatic.

"Girl scout camp or some bullshit like that, she's fourteen. It gets a little turbulent around her, so prepare yourself," Elliot crossed her arms on her chest looking at the carefully placed trinkets on her dresser. There was a mass amount of jewelry completely organized, Gabrielle was very type-a and very different from Elliot.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Kennedy asked, looking a little scared. The upside about living with just guys was that there was no drama, no need to put the seat down or walk on egg shells once a month.

"Everything is like ugh, you're ruining my life! Ugh, I just wanna die this boy doesn't like me! Ugh, I'm gonna slam my door because I'm pissed I'm not as cool as Elliot. Okay, I made that last one up, but have you ever lived with a teenage girl before? It's fucking terrifying," Elliot explained, adding a valley girl voice to mock her sister. She may have been exaggerating a little, but the truth of it was Gabrielle wasn't easy to live with and she liked messing with Kennedy.

"Uh, what? Are you serious?" Kennedy spoke softly, his eyes shifting nervously, he carefully closed the door and stepped back. "When does she get back?" He asked, eyes filled with fear and she smirked.

"Uh, tomorrow, but have no fear. I'll be your comrade if you need me, but don't do anything stupid to piss her off. Now, I'm gonna go back to sleep. Just so you know Madison is a total cover hog," She grinned brightly before giving Kennedy a pat on the shoulder before returning to room. The truth would come out when Kennedy actually met her sister, but for now he could be a little scared. Her tired eyes starting to squint as she stole her covers back and went back to sleep.

Kennedy's eyes bulged uncomfortably, he was definitely crushing on Elliot's friend, but he didn't know if she would be okay with it. This whole other step sister seemed to add to the stress of his day, which wouldn't be a problem if he had his man cave to retreat to. All he could think of was to call his best friend, it took a couple of rings before John answered the phone, grogginess evident in his voice. "Dude, the fucking game room is gone! It's a fucking fourteen-year-old girl's room! What did I do to deserve this?" Kennedy ranted once he was back in his room.

"What the fuck are you talking about dude? And why are you calling me at ten in the morning on a fucking Saturday, I'm hungover as shit," John moaned, rubbing his eyes not able to comprehend what his best friend, but the panic in his voice kept John from hanging up.

"Uh, it's Tuesday, are you serious? You got drunk on a Monday night? But more importantly, you went out last night with out me?" Kennedy chuckled at John's antics, ever since they started touring they had gotten used to life becoming one big party.

"Well, you and what's-her-face seemed to be hitting it off and Jared told me I'm not allowed to fuck your new sister yet, so I went stag," John explained, rubbing his eyes a smile crossing his lips as he remembered the girl he'd been plotting to get with. John stretched out his long limbs and let out a moan to see what Kennedy would say.

"Wait, Jared said you can't fuck my sister yet? What do you mean yet? What are you planning O'Callaghan?" Kennedy narrowed his eyes, already feeling a protective instinct for his step-sister and there was nothing she need protection from more than John O'Callaghan.

"Ah yep, and is there anything sexier than a girl off limits? I'm not planning anything, yet. Just tell me on a scale of one to ten how mad you would be if I fucked her brains out?" John smirked perversely, he was only joking around with his best friend as he always did about the girls he got with. John didn't take it into account that Kennedy might be offended by this.

"Don't fucking touch her," Kennedy growled, clamping his teeth down to keep himself from going over to John's house and kicking his ass. Kennedy already considered her blood, and he had to take a deep breath to control the rage flowing through his veins. "She's not into you and probably never will be, so I suggest you just cut your losses and give up now," Kennedy said trying to actually use logic to convince John.

"Please, who doesn't want this? This is a ten, my friend," John laughed cockily. He turned over to his side, sensing that this conversation wouldn't be ending soon just by Kennedy's tone.

"You're such an asshole," Kennedy rolled his eyes and thought about what Madison had mentioned to him last night about Elliot's hobby of taking down assholes in high school. Madison had tentatively dropped the hint that maybe she would try it with John. At first he was surprised Madison would even mention it to him, after John was his best friend, but now. Now, he thought this might actually be good for John.

John just chuckled at the fact all his friends seemed to think he was an asshole, but they knew that he was a good friend. He had gotten into fights for his friends and driven at three in the morning to pick them up, but when it came to being a boyfriend, John didn't care to know. He simply sighed letting his sink into the pillow underneath it and took a deep breath.

"Well, I just thought I would let you know that for your sake, I'm not fucking her yet so you guys can bond and get closer. Jared seems to think that if I screw her over before you two are close, she'll hate you or something, but you know," John shrugged slightly and Kennedy slapped his forehead wondering how this guy was his best friend.

"Well thank you so much," Kennedy rolled his eyes sarcastically before realizing that he was still tired as well and wanted to go back to sleep before they had band practice in a couple of hours.

"Hey, what are friends for," John laughed, ignoring the sarcasm on his friend's part. Honestly, he thought he was doing Kennedy a favor, but right now that wasn't his main concern, he just wanted to sleep off his pounding headache and nausea. "Listen bro, I'll see you at practice, goodnight," John muttered quickly before hanging up the phone. He looked to his right and realized there was a girl in his bed and he surprised himself.

Unfortunately for John, he had become slightly fixated with the one girl who was off limits to him. Unfortunately for the girl next to John, she thought the relationship would last for more than a couple of hours, but John swiftly dressed himself before driving home to his apartment to sleep off the rest of his hangover, still thinking about the girl with golden eyes.
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so i don't know if you read my other author's note in Too Good To Be True Kind Of Love but i got my appendix taken out, so if i could get some pity comments that'd be awesomeeee :)
plus i have nothing else to do for the next couple of days so i might just update like a madwoman haha
thank you so very much to: Josh Montgomery., screamedlullaby, whilethefirewasout for commenting :) love you guys!
so if you liked to leave me your thoughts you should do it here you don't even have to scroll up :)
thanks for reading!