Status: Active.

Loving Sunday


Sunday felt under dressed around all of these church goers. She was wearing jeans, wedge heals and a nice sweater, while everyone else was wearing nice dresses and skirts. Kate was even wearing something nice, a pencil skirt and a plain white blouse.

When she had been introduced to Pastor Harrison and his wife Nancy, she could see the disapproval in the woman’s eyes as she looked her up and down. Sunday didn’t like her much, but her husband was a nice sort of man and she thought she could come to like him.

Kate introduced her to several other church goers and a few of them really stood out. Like Sue Clearwater for one; when she met Sunday, there was a knowing look in her eyes. She saw the same look in Billy Black’s kind brown eyes, a man in a wheelchair. She felt like they knew a secret about her that not even she knew.

Now she and Kate were seated in the farthest back pew, listening to the announcements. The woman announcing was starting to talk about the ladies meeting Friday night, when the doors leading into the sanctuary were quietly opened. A few people turned around to see who it was, Sunday included.

Imagine her shock and surprise when Grace from the book shop and Paul, the man she couldn’t get out of her mind, snuck in and claimed seats in the same pew as them. Grace sat beside Sunday and smiled kindly at her, while Paul took his seat beside his Nana. He peeked around Grace and smiled sheepishly at Sunday. She gave a very week impression on a smile back.

For the rest of the service, Sunday tried to pay attention and ignore the constant looks she was receiving from Paul. When they finally pulled the Hymn books out to sing the last song, she thought she could hear the hallelujah chorus.

When the pastor walked out of the sanctuary, people began to move sluggishly toured the exit. Sunday grabbed Kate’s hand and pulled her out of the pew, walking to the door as fast as possible, without looking suspicious.

“Someone’s anxious to get home,” Kate laughed pulling her arm back and rubbing the spot where Sunday’s hand had been. “What’s the rush kiddo? Want to get off holy ground? Or is it that you want to get away from someone?”

She had it.

“Neither, I’m just hungry is all,” Sunday said, not lying entirely. She was hungry, having only eaten a banana for breakfast.

“Kate dear, why don’t you and Sunday come over to our place for lunch? We’re having some others over for a barbeque and I’m making my apple pie.” Grace appeared at Kate’s side with a kind and warm hearted smile, with Paul just behind her. He was smiling, apparently liking the idea. Sunday, on the other hand, wasn’t.

She opened her mouth to decline the invitation, but Kate beat her.

“We’d love to Grace.” Kate smiled kindly from Grace to Paul, and then turned to Sunday. “Grace makes the best apple pie on the planet. And isn’t apple pie you’re favorite?”

Sunday bit her lip and shook her head. “No, it was mom’s favorite.” She felt like crying, out of frustration or sadness, she wasn’t sure.

Kate bit her lip and took a breath. She missed her sister and when she thought of her, all the old memories of their childhood together came rushing back. Shoving them away and fighting a sob, she smiled a fake smile and nodded.

Grace, seeing the discomfort and sadness on both of their faces, spoke quickly. “I should probably get to the house, poor Emily is there all by herself. Come on Paul.” She gestured to her grandson.

“We’ll be there soon, I just want to stop by the house for a minute to change,” Kate said pulling her keys out of her purse as the four of them walked toured the exit. “See you in a little while.”

They said goodbye and got into their cars. Sunday mentally sighed in relief when she finally didn’t feel Paul’s gorgeous brown eyes on her. She was still mentally scolding herself for the odd and unnamable feelings she had for him.

When they got back to the house, Kate turned on the weather channel. The woman said that the weather was going to be beautiful and warm until around eight. Sunday waited long enough to hear this, and then went to her room.

She slid off her church clothes and pulled on paint splattered shorts, a yellow Sponge Bob shirt and gray Toms. Sunday threw her phone and a sweatshirt into a canvas bag. After running a brush through her hair, left her room.

“You ready to go?” Kate asked getting up from the couch. She was in cutoffs, flip flops and a Guns N' Roses t-shirt. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she looked like just like her sister.

“Yup, less go.”

When they reached Grace’s, there were several cars parked in the big yard. In the front yard, a man was standing at the grill, several of the big guys that Sunday had seen at the beach the other day standing around too.

Oh great, Sunday groaned internally. These guys had totally scared the shit out of her by staring and now she was going to be eating with them. She bit her lip and slowed a couple of steps behind her aunt.

One of the boys looked up and smiled at Kate. He was smaller then most of the other guys and more energetic. He ran to Kate and scooped her in a giant hug.

“Hi Kate, I didn’t know you were coming, but I’m glad your here,” he exclaimed stepping back, still smiling. Then he caught sight of me and a mischievous glint shone in his eyes.

“Thanks Seth,” Kate laughed pulling me forward. “Seth, I’d like you to meet my niece, Sunday. Sunday, this is Seth Clearwater; you met his mother Sue earlier.”

“Hi Seth,” Sunday said politely, smiling slightly.

“I’ve seen you before, at the beach,” Seth laughed. “You were talking to Paul and he was so em-”

“Thank you Seth, that’ll be enough.” Paul suddenly showed up, glaring at Seth. But when he turned his face toured Sunday, his eyes softened and he smiled widely. “Hey Sunday.”

Sunday bit the inside of her lip. “Hello Paul.” The formal way she greeted him sent a twinge of hurt through Paul, but he shook it off. She’s just sad, he told himself.

“Come on Sunday, I want you to meet the rest of the guys,” said Kate taking Sunday’s hand and leading her toured the group. The group all looked like they were deliberately looking busy. “Hey you guys. I’d like you to meet my niece Sunday. Sunday, this is Sam, Jared, his girlfriend Kim, Embry and Quil.”

“It’s lovely to meet you all,” Sunday smiled.

Some said “You too” others “My pleasure” and one of them yelled “Hey hot stuff.” Sunday laughed at Quil, while Paul glared.

Kim ran up to Sunday and she remembered her from the beach. She was the girl who had been staring at her with the guy before all the others had shown up. She tried not to hold that against her.

“Hi Sunday, it’s so great to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” Kim chuckled, like she’d just said something funny. Sunday smiled, but her eyebrows were rising. “Come on, I want to introduce you to Emily, Sam’s fiancée.”

Kim dragged her through the house and into the kitchen. She stopped at the doorway and bounded over to a woman. Her back was turned to Sunday, but she thought that this must be Emily.

“Hey Em, whatcha doing?” Kim asked peeking around the woman’s shoulder.

“I’m just finishing cutting up the fruit, then we can eat,” Emily answered. “Is Jacob and Bella here yet?” She turned around and caught sight of Sunday. And Sunday caught sight of her. She was beautiful, but there were three scars running down the right side of her face. “Who’s this?” Emily quirked a brow.

“Emily, meet Sunday,” Kim introduced. “And Jake’s not here yet, but Embry said he’s on his way.”

“It’s nice to meet you Sunday. I’m Emily Young. Come in.” She gestured for her to enter the room. Sunday stepped in, looking around the small kitchen. “Do you girls want to help me put the fruit in the dishes?”

They agreed. With a lot of talking and a little probing, Kim and Emily got Sunday to open up and show her fun, sarcastic side. They were sitting on the stools, laughing over cans of soda when Grace walked in, another huge guy she remembered from the beach and a small girl behind her. The girl was pale, obviously not quileute.

Introductions were given and Sunday decided that she liked the girl, Bella, well enough and that this guy Jacob was cute and funny. Grace asked Emily if they if everything was ready and they moved the platters of food outside onto a folding table.

Grace made all the big boys hang back and let the girls and older people get their food first. Sunday saw that Billy and Sue were there now too and Leah, Seth’s sister that Kim had briefly mentioned. Sunday got her food, laughing with Kim and thanking God she finally had a friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now we're finally starting to get somewhere. Sunday knows the pack and we can move into Paul "accidentally" running into Sunday, Kim being her friend and other surprises!

Keep commenting lovies (-:
