Falling Dreams

For Comp: http://www.mibba.com/forums/topic/post/9509206/#9509206

ANOUSHKA lives in the day as a normal girl... her dreams are full of bright colours and sunlight, until one day.
That day she can't remember, she knows what happened to her was bad but it will not come to the for-front of her mind.

ANOUSHKA has to realise why she can remember and why her dreams are now, dark and stormy and end with her waking in a sweat, from falling of a cliff which was once not there.
  1. falling into forgetting for the first time.
    ANOUSHKA wakes to the first day of the rest of her life, "what happened last night though" is all she can think.
  2. Yesterday? I remember a day long ago, when I was not dreaming of the flower tunnel...
    Anoushka's interrogation.
  3. The body at the bottom isn't me!
    she learns she's not the first
  4. Caravan?
    Her memories have returned from their holiday.
  5. Jail
    Harry p.o.v (+ conclusion / last chapter.)