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In Your Shoes


“Miss Lane!” My dream was starting to fade. “Miss Lane!” I snapped back to reality. Instead of judges clapping and cheering my name I had an older woman in her fifties shouting at me.
“Ah yes! Sorry.” These days I spent most of my time apologizing. “You have the talent but.” They always start out complementing me. “You need to be the talent. Try harder and then come back.”

“Thank you for your time.” I smiled, picked up my grey Wonder Woman bag and excited the stage. This was my third audition this week and I failed all of them. I just wasn’t good enough yet.
The limo outside the auditorium was my dad’s. “Miss Lane.” One of his honcho security guards greeted me with an open door into prison. “I think I’ll walk today.”

Before I could protest he stopped me. “I’m sorry you can’t. We have a strict schedule.” Always with the schedule. Sometimes it feels like I have to wait for a certain time just to yawn. My life wasn’t great at all.
I mean sure there was the money, clothes, houses, cars, limos, parties and vacations but I would give that all up to live like a bird. They leave the nest when they’re ready to fly, they start their own life and they travel with no restrictions.

“Miss Lane don’t lean on the door it can fly open.” I sighed and rolled my eyes. My elbow came off the door and I faced front. We passed all the happy people on sidewalk. Lovers, families, sisters, and brothers you name it! They were all smiling
“What’s going on?” Today was especially crowded. “An all day farmers market.” His tone was mono and bland. If this wasn’t Hell then I don’t know what is. “Can we go?” He shook his head. “Strict orders.”

“What is this?!” Fred the driver threw his hands up dramatically. “What’s what?” I rolled down the window and stuck my head out. We were in a traffic jam. “Looks like they’re filming again.” Fred sighed.
“A movie?!” I gasped and stuck my head further out the window. I couldn’t see much except for a lot of people with a lot of lights and cameras. “It’s amazing!” It’s weird how the littlest things could excite me.

There I saw it! It was so beautiful! I couldn’t quite explain how it just was. A guy stood in middle of an ambush of men, fighting them then with one yank his harness launched him in the air. “Wow!” I gasped.
“Miss Lane.” He sat me back in the seat. “I’m sorry but you can’t do that.” I looked out the window. “I want that person’s life.” After the jam cleared the filming sight slowly faded from my eyesight.

I took off my shoes at the door and walked into dad’s office. “How did it go?!” He got up and greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Like the other two.” I sat down. “That bad?” He sat in his chair.
“But Anna Pavalova didn’t become one of the best by giving up.” I stood back up and smiled. “I’m just going to try harder.” Dad smiled in return. “That’s my girl.” I gave him an air kiss and left him.

Yup that’s me your 21 year old imprisoned little girl. I threw my bag on the floor next to my purple chair. I flopped on my bed. That guy who was fighting and flying up in the air replayed over in my head.
“He must have a great life.” I sighed then rolled over onto my stomach.
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Okay so none of you think I stole anything! This was A Dusty Rose a couple days ago but I realized it wasn't going to go very far and keep a lot of people's attention. I have changed it!

Please give it a try!!!

Comment or discontinuation.

Enjoy! X3