Status: Updates every other day!

In Your Shoes


“Miss Lane please hurry! Breakfast is getting cold!” That was Shauna our head maid of the house. “Yeah I’m coming!” I came downstairs wearing a dull light blue tank top, a dull pink skirt with a long tan cardigan over it and rose flats.
“Gorgeous as always.” Dad was sitting down at the island. “Thanks.” I sat down next to him. “Dad I’ve been thinking.” I hesitated after Shauna gave me my food. “I want to work harder to fulfilling my dream.”

Unlike other typical rich fathers he actually listened and cared. “I want to stay at our winter home for a month to train.” He put down his fork and turned to me. “Swan Lake auditions will be held in two months.”
I hesitated. “It would be better if I didn’t have any distractions.” I waited. Dad rubbed his chin like he always did before he would say something.

“Sounds good! I’ll just get two of my guards to go with you.” He still didn’t understand. “No dad I want to go by myself.” He tried to protest but I stopped him. “Please I need you to understand and let me.”
He gave me a faint smile. “Alright.” I gave dad a long deserved hug. “Thank you so much!”

I finished my breakfast and went for the door. “Love you!” Dad smiled and did an air kiss. I guess I could humor dad just a little longer. I got into the limo and it set off. January is only in two days.
I looked at my phone. It was a picture of me and my mother. She died three years ago because of Cancer of the Lymph Notes. Every year Christmas gets harder and harder to celebrate.

The limo stopped. “We’ll be here after school.” A guard opened my door and I got out. “I swear in all of the years I have known you I still can’t get used to the limo.” Patty has been my friend since I was twelve.
“Yeah well you won’t have to see it for an entire month.” Before we made it up the steps she stopped me. “What? Where are you going?” I smiled. “I’m going to our winter home for training.”

“Lucky dog.” Patty and I linked arms. “Maybe you’ll meet a man while you’re there.” She winked. “I’m not going there for a guy I’m going there to become the best.” We unlinked arms.
“See you at lunch.” I waved then we went our separate ways. Patty was there when my mom passed away, she was there when I lost my first tooth and she was there when I realized I wanted to be a ballerina.

Last class of the day. My teacher was a 34 year old woman who was married and divorced three times with four children and she still looked like an 18 year old. Mrs. Hallowbrooke was her name. She is a professional ballerina.
After class I walked up to the front where she sat at her desk. “Ah Miss Chloe how can I help you?” She smiled and flipped her midnight black hair. “I’m not going to be here for a month starting the first.” Mrs. Hallowbrooke grabbed a pen to write it down.

“Why are you going to be gone for that long?” I was hoping she would ask that. “I’m going to go train for Swan Lake.” A smile escaped her lips. “I’m very proud of you, you’re a very talented girl and I know you can do it.”

“Did you hear?” Patty linked arms with me once more. “Here what?” We made our way out the front doors. “They’re filming a movie and if you show up there they will put you in as an extra.”
“Sounds exhilarating.” I dreamed a little day dream. “Yeah too bad you can’t go.” She patted my shoulder. “Here’s the flyer anyways.” Patty handed me the flyer and headed towards the parking lot.

The flyer was beautiful. A rainbow of colors was splattered all over the page; words jumped out at you which in return made you want to go there.
I stopped in mid tracks before reaching the gate. “Could an hour hurt so bad?” I was 21 and I had to start taking chances and living on the edge. I stuffed the flyer in my bag and ran to the other side of the school. It was closest to the filming sight and I wouldn’t get caught.

I snuck out of the gate then the coast was clear I made a run for it. The gentle breeze of winter slithered in between my hair pushing it back. My long brown hair created a flag as I passed people.
“And action!” I heard the director’s voice. It was louder than all the cars on the street and all the people on the sidewalk.

“Miss Lane.” A pair of bruiting arms caught me in mid run. Crap! “Your father is expecting you home.” He picked me up like a sack of potatoes and carried me through the street.
I couldn’t struggle I mean what would the point be? People stared as we walked by. I waved and smiled at everyone. “You know you can put me down I won’t run.” He didn’t say anything. It was always the quiet ones you had to watch out for.

The limo ride to the house was silent. “What does my dad want me home so early for?” Silence. “Does anyone here like sports?” Silence. “Favorite food?” Silence. “I’m a stripper at a club called the Pink Frog.” Silence.
“Tough crowd.” I sighed and left the talking up to the two guards that sat in back with me. We passed through the same street as yesterday and the filming was already done and over. Only two more days, only two more days!

“Prison looks quite lovely today.” Silent again. This was getting annoying. I walked through the front door and there stood head maid Shauna. “Dear give me your stuff. Your father is in the living room.”
Was this some kind of intervention? Was I in trouble? Did the police have a warrant out for me? So many scenarios ran through my mind except for this one.

“Honey please sit down.” Dad patted the chair next to him. A younger guy and I’m guessing his mother sat at the other end. I did as he said. The kid was cute but not my type.
“Chloe this is Jared and his mother Stacey.” I smiled and shook their hands. He was stalling what was this really about? “Honey I have arranged a marriage for you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to update again today. :]. The chapter titles are french for one, two and so on just if you didn't know. X]

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