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In Your Shoes


“What?!” I stood up. I can’t believe he actually would do something like this! “Chloe please sit back down.” I slowly sat down. “Please this is for your own good. If I pass away I want you to have a secured future.”
I knew it! He never really believed in my dream of becoming a ballerina. “Please listen this is extra support if you don’t pass as a ballerina.” I shook my head in sadness. “The Burtons are a wealthy and successful family.”

I didn’t like this one bit. “I thought arranged marriages only happened in Asian dramas?” The Jared kid laughed. “I did too.” He sighed. I’m guessing he too was surprised by this. “Give me a month.” Dad and Jared’s mother turned to me.
“If I can ace the Swan Lake audition then I’m not going to marry him but if I fail I will.” The mother didn’t like that one bit. Dad on the other hand was unsure.

“Fine one month.” Dad agreed to my terms. “Harry!” The mother wasn’t too pleased. “Please Angelina.” They both got up and dad escorted her outside. Jared stood up and walked towards me.
“I hope you don’t fail.” I laughed. “I won’t I promise.” He smirked. “Okay then.” He walked passed me. I didn’t want him or me to be forced into something only our parents wanted.

“Why do you have to be so stubborn?” Dad shut the front door. “It runs in the family.” Dad laughed and hugged me. “I’ll get the jet ready for tomorrow.” I stopped him and furrowed my eyebrows at him.
“I want you to get a day start.” He smiled. “I love you dad.” He kissed me on my forehead. “Yeah I love you too sweets.” He went to his office and I went upstairs. “Time to pack!”

I pulled out my two suite cases from the revolving closet. I mixed winter clothes with spring, summer and autumn. Our winter home was in Northwest, Colorado and last time I was there I was ten so I don’t remember what the weather was like.
“Do you need help packing?” Shauna. “It would be nice.” I let out a small smile as she helped fold my clothes. “I’m gonna miss you kiddo.”

“I’m going to miss you too.” She sat on the bed still folding the clothes. “You’re gonna do great things.” Shauna was like my second mother. She’s been there since I was born. Her opinion meant everything to me.
“Thanks.” I sat on the bed with her. My legs curled up to my chest. “Do you think she would be proud?” Shauna put the shirt down and shook her head at me. “She would be more than proud.”

“She didn’t care what you did in life as long as you were happy.” I picked up the picture of mom, dad and little ol’ me. “I miss her.” I rubbed my thumb over the glass. “I know she was a great person.”
“How come the great people die first?” I tried not to cry. “It’s not deliberately done. Everyone is meant to go and no one can decide when.” She hugged me then kissed me on the cheek and went back to folding my clothes.

I put the picture on top of the clothes followed by my stuffed lion Leonitus. “That’s all.” Shauna stood up. “Dinner is almost ready.” I followed her downstairs. “Chris that smells great!” He was our personal chef.
Followed by Chris, Shauna and he had rooms downstairs. Dad treated them like family cause both of them didn’t have any. “Thank you my lady.” He smiled. Dad sat at the end of the family table.
Shauna and I sat down across from each other. “You’re favorite Miss Lane.” Chris had cooked shrimp fantasia. It was Chris’s personal recipe he cooked for the first time seven years ago. It was shrimp, angel hair pasta, and four different kinds of cheeses for the sauce with basil on top.
“Thank you.” Chris sat down next to me. “We’re going to miss you.” Dad grabbed my hand and smiled. “I’m going to miss all of you too.” Dad stopped everyone. “She’s not leaving yet so let’s just enjoy this time while we have it.”

Dinner was great and for desert we had strawberry shortcake. We laughed and enjoyed our time. By time our little party started to settle down we were all in the living room watching Some Like It Hot.
“Thank you dad.” I leaned on his shoulder. Shauna and Chris fell asleep leaning on one another. “Your welcome sweetheart.” He patted my head lightly. “Are you sure you want to be gone for that long?” I nodded my head.

“I need to do this. I have to do this.” He smiled. “I understand.” He got up. “You better get on up to bed. You have a long trip tomorrow.” I nodded, kissed him on the cheek and went upstairs.
I changed into my infamous Gir pajamas and tucked myself into bed. Nothing felt better than the nice cool sheets resting upon your smooth legs like it did mine.
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I have great ideas for this story! Yay! This story will be like none others! XD

Comment or discontinuation.

Enjoy! X3