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In Your Shoes


“Chloe please hurry up. I mean you’re taking my jet but still I want you to be there before it starts getting really dark.” I rushed in and out of my room for multiple things that I kept forgetting.
“Honey maybe this is a sign that you’re not meant to go.” I ran downstairs and glared at dad. “I’m going and that’s final.” I giggled and hugged Shauna and Chris as the guards took my bags.

“I’ll be back in an hour or so.” Dad and I both waved to Chris and Shauna. “See you then.” The ride in the limo like always was rather silent. Dad didn’t talk, the guards never talked and I always felt sad.
“Do you have everything?” I nodded. “Your toothbrush?” I grabbed his hand. “I’m not a ten year old going to spend the night for the first time.” He took a deep breath. “I know I know I just don’t want to lose you too.”

“You won’t.” I leaned on his shoulder. “I’ll always be your little girl that will come to you when I need your help.” Dad nodded.
Dad had a personal airport with landing strip and staff included. The guards put my bags on the plane. “Call me when you arrive.” I nodded. “Messege me when you wake up.” I smiled and nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you more.” He kissed my forehead. “I love you most. Now be safe.” I nodded and hugged him. “I better be going.” Dad gave me another hug. “Okay now you can go.” I walked up the steps and turned around.
“I’ll call you when I arrive.” He smiled and gave me an air kiss. The door shut and a flight attendant latched it. I sat down next to the window where I could see him.

Dad’s tears ran down his cheeks as he waved to me. I buckled right when the plane started up. I gave dad an air kiss and the plane started to move. In no time I lost sight of him. The plane lifted and I felt at ease.
“You may unbuckle if you wish.” I nodded. I grabbed my Wonder Woman bag and pulled out a book about Anna Pavalova.

I read for an hour or two, took a nap for an hour, sang to karaoke for another hour, studied different moves and techniques for the next hour, watched a lame Tom Cruise movie then fell asleep again.
“Miss Lane.” I woke up to the freckled flight attendant. “Yes?” She smiled. “We’ll be landing in ten.” I nodded then put my seat belt on. I looked out the window to a winter wonderland.

The plan landed and I grabbed a coat and put it on. Before I could even get to the step I felt the chilling air rush past me. “It’s way cold!” I shrieked. I don’t remember Colorado being this cold.
I stepped off the plane. People would be thinking I’m crazy. I had my winter coat on but I wore dark grey shorts, a purple tank top and black strap on high heels. “Just great.” I frowned and slung my bag over my shoulder.

The driver helped me put my bags in the trunk of the black car. “Thanks.” I handed my hand out. “Can I have the keys?” He was puzzled. “I can drive myself. I know where it is.”
He unwillingly handed the keys over. “Thank you.” I got in the car, buckled up and drove off. I turned on some music and started the windshield wipers up. The snow started to come down pretty fast and hard.

Good thing the house wasn’t far from dad’s airport. I pulled into the snow covered drive way. I clicked a button to open the garage door then parked in the oddly warm garage. “Thank god!”
I got out of the car and popped the trunk. I pulled all my bags out and one by one put them inside the house. The house was cold and some of the knick knacks had dust on them.

I turned on some of the lights, started up the automatic fireplace and took off my shoes and jacket. “This is going to be great.” I stayed positive and sat down on the couch. The giant windows that sat in front of the living room overlooked a fantastic view. The snow fell silently outside.

-Don’t you forget about me
Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t
Don’t you forget about me
Will you stand above me?
Look my way ne-

“Hi dad.” An ironic song for this exact moment. “I told you to call me when you arrived at the airport.” Oh gah! I try to impress my dad but then I go and do this. “Sorry dad I lost track I had so much on my mind.”
I could hear him sigh on the other end. “I was just worried because of the snow up there.” I nodded my head. “Yeah I know dad but I’m fine.” “Chloe………” My phone started to mess up.

“Dad you’ll have to say that again!” I got up from the couch and started moving around the house like a maniac. “Chloe…………” It kept cutting out. “Dad I’ll call you back!”
I stood there with the phone in my head. I tried calling him from the house phone and then from my cell phone. “Nothing.” I went to the windows and looked outside. “It doesn’t look too bad. There’s a pay phone not to far back.”

I grabbed my coat and put my phone in my pocket. I put my heels on again then grabbed the car keys. I locked the house up, opened the garage door then started the car up. “Show dad how responsible you are.”
“Everything will be okay.” After a couple minutes of self motivating I backed out of the drive way, closing the garage door.

The snow came down faster making it where I couldn’t see an inch past the car. “Everything will be alright Chloe.” I didn’t think the self motivating was helping but it sure kept my mind off of everything else.
Before I could react the car started spinning. “Ah!!!!” I let my foot off the gas and break pedal, I firmly grabbed the wheel trying to keep it in place but unfortunately it didn’t help.

The car stopped spinning but now I was falling down a hill backwards. “Shit!” I unbuckled and got down on the floor as best as I could. With every thing that banged against the car made me even more scared.
I shut my eyes, covered my ears and hoped this was all was a bad dream.
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Upadated! XD This is going to start gettin real good!

Comment or discontinuation.

Enjoy! X3