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In Your Shoes


My senses started to kick in. The room smelt of a manly musky scent. My eyes popped open; I lay in a nice comfy bed. “Where….” Before I could finish my sentence my head started to ache.
“Your car crashed and I found you on the side of a hill.” He was gorgeous and not as a man trying to hard to be hot kind of gorgeous but it was that kind of a gorgeous like a Greek God.

“You’re smart.” He smiled. “If it wasn’t for you getting down to the floor you would have been pierced through the heart.” My eyes widened. “A branch from a broken tree stabbed through your car.”
The guy chuckled. “You’re fine though just a few scratches and bruises.” He walked over to the door. “Breakfast is ready if you want to eat.” I nodded. He shut the door and I swung my legs over the bed.

“Ow.” I winced at the pain. Looking down I wore a big grey t-shirt that had a black tiger on it. “When did this happen?” I waved my hand not caring how I got the shirt on then stood up. I could barley stand.
I inched my way towards the door but before I could get to the knob it opened. “I figured you needed help.” He walked to my side, put my arm around his neck then put his arm around my waist and helped me to the dinning room.

“This place is bigger than my father’s winter house.” He laughed. “Yeah I guess it is.” He helped me sit down. “Thanks.” He nodded his head then sat at on the other side. “What’s your name?”
“Jason. Yours?” I smiled. “Chloe Lane.” I took a deep breath. “As in Harry Lane’s daughter?” I nodded my head. “Small world. I’m Jason Burton, Jared’s older brother.” This is a small word!

“How did things go?” He took a bite of his breakfast. “I told them that if I pass the Swan Lake auditions then I won’t marry him but if I don’t then I will.” He laughed. “I like that fighting characteristic in a woman.”
I blushed then took a bite of my eggs. “So what are you doing here?” I took a sip of my juice. “Training.” He held up his finger. “Jason Burton?” He started to talk on his phone. I looked out the windows to find the snow melting rather fast.

“We had a blizzard yesterday.” He nodded his head. “Yeah I’ll be there on Monday.” He took a drink of his water. “Yeah bye.” He put the phone on the table. “Sorry about that.” I shook my head.
“What’s with the weather? I don’t remember Colorado being this cold.” Jason looked out the window then back to me. “I have no clue. It’s rather weird how the weather around here is acting up.”

“So why are you here?” Jason put his fork on his plate. “Business originally.” I took a bite then put my fork down. “How did I get in this shirt?” He laughed. “I put it on.” My eyes widened. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
Jason started to laugh. “I’m kidding my maid Julie did it.” A sigh or relief washed over me. “I wouldn’t do that.” We finished breakfast shortly after my almost heart attack.

“Did you find my phone?” He nodded picking up the phone that was still in my coat pocket. “Oh thank god!” I grabbed it from him. I turned my phone on to find twenty missed calls.
“Oh crap!” I checked all the missed calls. “I’ll go get you some clothes.” I nodded as I dialed in the numbers to my dad. “Chloe?! Are you alright?! I’ve been calling all morning!”

“I’m fine dad.” He let out a sigh of relief. “Why didn’t you answer?” I didn’t want to tell him what happened so naturally I lied. “I fell asleep on the couch. I didn’t realize how tired I was.”
I laughed nervously. “Don’t do that again! I went into a frenzy! I couldn’t sleep all night!” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah I’m sorry dad but I’m going to go eat breakfast.” Dad sighed. “Alright just call me if anything happens.”

“Yeah I will.” Jason came in with folded up clothes in his hands. “I love you sweetheart.” Jason stood there in the doorway. “Love you two, bye.” I hung up. “Your boyfriend?” He handed me my clothes.
“No my dad.” Jason smiled. “These clothes are from when a girl stayed over a couple weeks ago and don’t worry it’s clean.” I smiled and nodded. “Thanks.” He left the room. I put the shirt and pants on the bed.

I picked up a black drape neck shirt. “I like this?” I smiled then picked up a pair of white leggings. “She has a nice sense of style.” I put the clothes down and changed.
“Those look better on you than the chick who actually owned the clothes.” I smiled and sat down on the couch next to him.

“They said the snow is melting rapidly so airports, highways and so on should be opening back up later today.” I nodded. “You can go back home and I can leave for my office.”
“Thanks for everything, really.” He motioned his hand. “Don’t worry about it.” I’m watching TV with a stranger…..good thing my dad’s not here. I walked over to the porch. “Well since the snow is almost melted I think I’m going to be leaving.”

Jason got up and went into the next room. He brought back my coat and clothes. “Your shoes are by the front door.” He handed me the stuff. “I’ll take you home.” Oh that’s right no car. “Thanks but you don’t have to.”
“I don’t have to but I’m going to.” He grabbed his car keys. I walked to the front door and slipped on my heels. I followed him outside to his black Mercedes Benz. I got in and buckled up. “Where to?” I found my bearings and turned to him. “1334 Hamilton Drive.” Jason smiled, backed up and started driving.
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