Status: Updates every other day!

In Your Shoes


Jason pulled up to my driveway. “Thanks again.” He smiled. I grabbed my clothes and opened the door. “See you around.” Jason waved. “I doubt it.” He laughed. “Yeah you’re right.”
I shut the door and went on inside. The house was extremely warm…..too warm for my tastes. I turned off the fireplace. Set my clothes on the couch along with my coat.

I stood in the middle of living room for ten minutes deciding what I should do. I went into my room changed into some workout clothes and grabbed my workout music from my bag.
I popped in the CD and the heart pumping music started blaring. I started out with stretching ballerina style. Just when my workout started to get intense the door bell had to ring.

“Coming!” I paused the music, got up from the floor and grabbed my white towel hanging on the back of the couch. “Hey Chlose.” I smiled brightly jumping into his arms. “Felix!”
He laughed hugging me back. “Hey you look good.” I smiled pulling him inside. “Thanks but how did you know I was here?” He smiled then sat down. “Someone told me you were here.”

I sat down on the couch. “I’m glad.” He was like an older brother to me. “I’ve missed you Feel!” I hugged him tightly. “Do you miss this?!” He got up, bent down. “Piggy back?”
I hopped on his back. “Go horse go!” I raised my fist up in the air. Felix ran around the house. “Faster Felix the Great!” He laughed, tripped and we fell onto the floor. We lay next to each other.

“How long has it been?” He asked out of breath. “Six years.” He laughed. “You remember?” I sat up in the criss-crossed position. “Of course I remember! I wanted to marry you when I was younger!”
Felix sat up. “Do you still feel like that now?” My eyes widened. “What?!” I started to blush. “I was childish! I still thought that if you wore a mask on Halloween you would turn into that monster!”

Felix laughed. “Okay, okay.” He sighed then stood up. “Let’s have a reuniting sleepover.” He walked into the kitchen with me not far behind. “But you’re a guy and I’m a girl.”
Felix laughed. “I know but we’re just friends. Right?” I nodded vigorously. “Of course we are!” He laughed opening the door to the fridge. “Then there’s nothing wrong.” He pulled out ice cream, whip cream and cherries. “Can you get the bananas and chocolate syrup?” I nodded.

He grabbed two bowls; we added all the stuff together and created banana splits. I sat on the couch with both bowls in hand while he picked out the movie. “What shall we watch?” I shrugged.
“How about Kung Fu Panda?” A smile spread across my face. “I take that as a yes.” He popped in the disc and sat down beside me.

“What do you think of the weather?” I asked in between bites. “Weird that’s for sure.” The movie started playing. I didn’t finish my split so it was left there in the bowl to melt. Felix popped popcorn.
We watched three different movies. Kung Fu Panda, Night Of The Living Dead and Fast and the Furious. The last movie we put in was the first Indian Jones. I don’t even remember getting through half of it before my eyes shut.
♠ ♠ ♠
The chapter title is actually pronounced Sees but spelled six.

Anyways I think if i don't get more comments i will discontinue
