Status: Updates every other day!

In Your Shoes


That morning after Felix left I went for a long run. I could feel the nice breeze through my hair and the droplets of rain caressing my skin as it fell. “Chloe!” I was pulled into a death hug. “Uh who are you?”
The girl smacked me on the shoulder. “Miranda?” Didn’t ring a bell. “We used to play Barbie’s in my back yard when you were here in the winters?”

“Miranda? Really?” She’s changed from when I last remember her. “You look amazing!” She hugged me again then just walked into the house. “Still looks the same.” She laughed then turned to me.
“Let’s hang out tonight.” I sighed. I really didn’t want to but I didn’t want to be mean. “Come on! We can scout for guys, drink and talk about the younger days.” I took a deep breath.

“Fine.” Miranda jumped up and down hugging me. “Okay I’ll pick you up at 9.” She strolled on out of the house shutting the door behind her. “Great.” I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and started to down it. “This is going to be a long day.”

“8:45 already?” I had taken a shower after my long day of training. I pulled out a dark blue off the shoulder dress and a pair of black heals from my suit cases. By time I actually got ready Miranda was outside honking.
I opened the door. “It’s still raining?” The snow had completely melted and now it was pouring rain. I grabbed my black umbrella and coat, locked the door and got into her car.

“To the club!” Truthfully I’ve never drank in my entire life and I didn’t know how this was going to pan out. “Right on time.” Miranda parked and got out followed by me. The club was packed.
We walked in through the people crowded door. I saw people dancing, drinking, throwing up, sleeping and even having sex right there in front of everybody. “No wonder I don’t come to clubs.”

“What?!” I shook my head. “This place is pumping!” We sat down at a nice round booth. “What can I get you two lovely ladies?” A guy with black slicked hair came up. “Two vodka’s.” Oh gah! This was going to get bad real quick.
“At first we were playing Barbie’s in my back yard and now we’re drinking vodka at a club!” She danced to the music while she talked to me.

“Yeah! Things sure do change!” I wasn’t about to tell her I was a ballerina and that I don’t drink. “Here you go.” The guy kept staring at Miranda. “Here’s to a new life!” We clanked shots and downed the drinks.
“Vodka baby!” The taste was so strong it almost made me puke right then and there. “This is the life!”

Miranda kept ordering drink after drink after drink. There were more than twenty five glasses on our table. I had lost all control and started dancing with random people. “Hey baby!” I shouted pulling a guy out to the dance floor.
“Let’s have some fun!” This wasn’t me. Who was this person? The guy started dancing with me………more like dry humping me.

After a couple hours I left the club stumbling my way down the wet, cold sidewalk. I stumbled into a gas station. I accidentally tripped. “Hey you okay?” I looked up to find the Jason guy.
“Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be?!” I laughed holding onto him. It started to thunder, lighting started to strike and then rain came down even harder. “Are you drunk?” I shook my head.

“First timer.” He laughed. “Come on I’ll give you a ride home.” I stopped him slurring my words. “I son’t haves mys souse keysssssss.” I burst out laughing trying to calm down with every breath.
“Fine I’ll take you back to my place.” He sighed. “Let me pay for my gas and a bottle of water for you.” I wobbled back and forth standing in place. “Here.” He opened the water and helped me pull it up to my mouth.

With the last thunder and lightning strike the power went out. “Chloe stay close.” Jason pulled me into his chest as I drank my water. “Don’t drink to fast.” He mumbled as the store manager walked around with a flashlight.
“Hey Jason.” My talking started to get better. “Yeah?” He pulled away and looked at me. Our eyes met and kept an intense gaze. “Thank you.” I whispered getting closer to his face.

“For everything.” With my last words I closed the gap between our lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
The chapter title is french and is pronounced set. Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! The next chapter is going to be great!

Comment or discontinuation.

Enjoy! X3