Franklin Chopin's weird life thingy crap

Uhhmm...Chapter 1

“Two lovely baby boys.” the doctor announced. The mother held the twins in her arms lovingly. But her husband was concerned. How could they take care of two baby boys, along with a little girl? What if they had more children? He knew that the household was a little bit unstable on money along with the hazardous illnesses that came along with him. His wife didn’t seem to like this idea however, and protested. He sighed. “But we have no choice”, he tried to explain. “For the sake…” then a swirl of sparkly blue light appeared in the middle of the room. A beautiful lady with long, red hair in a flowing dress appeared. She had large pointed ears that were brown and soft, like a cat. She grinned a dazzling smile. “I’ve heard everything.” She said. “I will gratefully take one of your boys. I will raise him to be an obedient, kind child. I come from a family of good value and morals.” She looked at the man, eyes glowing with persuasion. His wife bit her lip, ready to cry. But she nodded, and the man, as sad as he was to see one of his baby boys go, took one of the babies and handed him over to the cat-woman. The cat-woman smiled. “You will not regret this choice. He will be an excellent man of good value. I wish you all a happy life.” She vanished into thin air leaving the couple tearful and their little daughter unsure of what just happened.

The lady arrived in her small cottage far in the country with her new child. She kissed his forehead lightly with warm, loving lips. She named the boy Franklin. The lady’s name was Tuberose. She was a witch, as some people called her and hardly came out of her cottage. Few people knew her but she had been the subject of mythical stories for many years. Tuberose was at least six hundred years old but she looked like she was about twenty years old. Even though a lot of residents consider her as sinister, she is in fact a very kind and loving woman, despite her strange cat ears that everyone considers evil.

Franklin and Tuberose spent every minute playing together, or Tuberose would teach him something new. Within months, the two became so close that no one could say that Tuberose adopted the little boy. She taught him how to walk, talk, play the oboe, draw, and how to speak French and Polish (they are living in Poland derp). She told her friends about the first time he called her “mother” and how that moment was dear to her. Franklin never went to school but Tuberose’s excellent teaching was enough for him.