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New Beginnings

“You sure about this?” There she stood near the door of the car, dirt road ahead of them as she stared at her mother in her work out clothes. Shiori’s concern is dismissed with a hard scoff, bitterness and hormones raging within Yuki more so.

“Of course I am! How else am I going to go into labor?” The mother’s main concern is to do everything in her power to get this baby to start moving. Yuki is restless and with the little one a day late, she is trying everything to get him out.

Shiori had a stop watch in her hand when the time comes and knowing that her mother needs the best, she hoped that Dr. Cullen is available. Stepping away from the car, she watched as her mother waddling away to start the smooth trail. An easy route that anyone could take and with her father constantly working, on the edge of his seat, calling Shiori whenever possible to see if the baby is delivered yet.

Sighing deeply, she followed her mother. Clearly not understanding the concept of her parents' relationship when it came to children. Her mother and father rarely touch each other in public not liking wandering eyes on an intimate moment between them. Her mother staying home prepping for the baby while her father worked even harder.

Yuki made it clear that Shiori will be the one to help her during the delivery or waiting outside at least. Once the baby is born she will call her father letting him know the news and whenever he is ready, he can come down and visit his son for the first time.

They had Shiori this way or that is what her father said when she first heard the news that they were expecting again. Only a tiny detail changing from her mother giving birth in their home than a hospital; Yuki despised that tradition and wanted to make a new one starting with a sanitized hospital for starters.

The winding road seems to go on for a while, Shiori helping her mother whenever possible and worrying over every little step. “Shiori.” Her mother grasped her hand a little tight, identical eyes boring into each other. “I’m fine. You don’t need to worry so much.”

Still not convinced, she still said, “Okay.” Arm remained looped with her mother as they continued down the trail. The soft breeze rustled the leaves and branches, the calming and serene sounds of the woods had Yuki shockingly peaceful.

Shiori seem to have joined her until her sight caught a vision of fur, a tail of something that made her freeze. Furrowing her brows, she opened her mouth not wanting to panic her mouth only to be interrupted by a fellow hiker. “Good afternoon!” The astoundingly tall woman smiled sending them a wave, her steps becoming slower as she stopped near them.

“G-good afternoon.” Shiori greeted back, eyes still fixated on behind the woman to find nothing there. Frowning she shifted her gaze to the woman built like a marathon runner or what an avid hiker would look like, barely breaking a sweat on her dark mocha skin. Teeth shining bright as her gaze settled on the enormous belly of her mother.

“Oh what you look at that! You are ready to pop!” Shiori didn’t realize how tall this woman was until she came closer. Yuki standing firm in an almost relax state as she told her that the baby is due any day now. “Congrats on the baby, dear; hiking can do you a world of good to get those juices flowin’. Pardon my manners, Janice Willington.”

“Shiori and this is my mother, Yuki.” She quickly introduced the two knowing that her mother would scold her if she didn’t. Janice’s smile wider oozing out another smile stating that her mother didn’t look like she is a mother of a teenage daughter.

Yuki became flustered, rubbing her belly lovingly. Janice shoulders pushed back taking water from her pack and handing it to the pregnant mother. “Mama needs to stay hydrated—gosh it’s so nice to meet some new people. I just moved here and I love the atmosphere. So calm and quiet. Can’t find this anywhere else. Anyways, I should let you get back to your walk. Lovely meet you both.”

“Likewise. Take care.” Yuki quipped before dragging Shiori along after she quickly waved at the nice woman.

The teenager became baffled at the sincerity of a random woman towards them; when she glanced back she had to blink several times noticing that Janice is farther down the trail than expected. Their tranquil hike comes to an abrupt halt immediately as Yuki steps inside the car ready to go home to take a nice hot bath. Shiori did a double take when a flash of pain crossed her mother’s features, “Mother…” Cautiously and gently calling out, the petite woman inhaled sharply before crawling into her seat hiding her face.

All the teenager can see is her shoulders rapidly shaking until it came to a stop. Softly calling out to her mother, Yuki inhaled a shallow breath, dark eyes remained composed. “Call Dr. Cullen, I will need him today.”

Shiori’s mind went blank not registering that her mother is going into labor. It took several seconds for her to dial the number that luckily is on speed dial for this special occasion. Her expectant mother always wanted the best and regardless of what rumors say about Dr. Cullen, Yuki refuses any other doctor that her disposal.

Thankfully, Dr. Cullen soothing voice calmed the teenager as she drove as safely as possible to the house, sprinting to gather the bag filled with her baby brother’s things as well as her mother’s before dashing out.

Slamming the door closed, the two rushed inside the hospital and had her mother admitted. Dropping the bags, the young teenager winced when she heard her mother groaning in pain muttering curses in their native tongue. Black hair swung across her face and Shiori almost thought twice to go over and pull the hair back to provide some sort of comfort.

But that’s the thing, Yuki never liked comfort. Those steely eyes remained passive when the contractions passed in a sign of relief. “I’m going to call father.”

Silence is met; Shiori took this as a message to walk out of the room with permission to at least inform her father that the youngest addition to their family is under way. Quickly dialing the number she didn’t see Dr. Cullen easing his way into the room. The girl spoke in a hush tone, Mandarin fluently spewing out of her mouth.

Those few quiet moments of hearing her father with a hint of excitement on his end informed her to keep updated a when the time comes; he will be on his way as soon as possible. Shiori frowned, she knew it was custom in their family for the father not to be present at all during the delivery, but she thought he would at least make an exception for his pride and joy.

Staring at the mobile device, she sighed quietly only to hear the soothing voice she recognized from the phone. “Is your father coming?”

When she turned around, she did not expect this high quality doctor to be so…gorgeous. Shiori felt herself swoon a bit as his amber eyes locked with hers, compassion and a sense of gentleness came off him in waves, a kind smile passed his features.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she shook her head. “No, he’s coming after the delivery is done. Tradition.” She elaborated with that word hoping it didn’t come off as her father being heartless; it’s just the way her family is, simply old fashioned.

The doctor made no move of showing disgust or anger only understanding. “I see. Well your mother isn’t fully dilated yet, she’s only a few centimeters. It’s going to take a while and I encouraged her to walk around, do simple things to get the ball rolling. I’ll be checking on her later, if you need anything just tell a nurse to beep me.”

Shiori nodded, digesting all of this information. “Thank you, Dr. Cullen.”

His beauty struck her hard as he placed a hand on her shoulder, “You’ll do fine. It’s a little nerve wracking to see something like this first hand, but it will be all worth it. You’re baby brother will be the result of it.”

It’s as if he read her mind and some of her nerves were untangled. Taking a deep breath, she thanked him again before watching him walk down the hall. Stunned by his presence, she didn’t hear a few nurses giggle at her reaction, one muttering, “Looks like he snagged another one.”

Blinking hard, she shook her head making her way inside the room to see her mother crouched on a ball breathing deeply.

The process was a long and hard one, spending a couple of days in the hospital and her poor mother in labor for so long. Shiori never realized how much effort and tedious it is for a delivery and within those days, Paul reached out to her wondering where she was. When she told him that she was in the hospital forgetting to add that she was there for her mother, Paul went into a deep panic.

Surprised by his reaction, she intervened saying that it was her mother in the hospital about to deliver her baby brother. Regardless of exceeding that everything is fine, Paul went out of his way or that is what she is assuming to visit. Shiori watched as her mother munched on ice chips grumbling that she didn’t want any visitors.

“It’s good to have a bit of support, mother.” Shiori responded kindly.

Yuki narrowed her eyes, the daughter couldn’t figure out whether it is from pain or anger. “I want my privacy. Is that too much to ask?” She snapped. Whipping her head back into the pillow, the pregnant mother huffed knowing this chain of visitations is going to swarm her soon once her son is here.

“Am I interrupting?” Paul’s voice entered the room, the teenage girl jump from her seat as her cheeks flushed at the sight of him. It has only been a couple of weeks and within that small span of time, she never experienced the pain that she felt of being away from him for so long. It felt like decades since she has seen him and she cannot truly understand the concept of these emotions.

Is she being clingy or this is some form of sorcery that has intertwined her and Paul together to the point where she ached physically, bearing fake smiles only to cry in her sleep. When she was with Dex this never happened and this frightened her deeply.

A sincere smile, her heart and soul practically breathed out a sigh of relief in his presence. Taking those steps forward, she took the flowers from his hands. “Thank you. This is so sweet of you, right mother?” She twisted her neck towards Yuki hoping that she would gather some kindness around the tall teen.

Yuki managed a wince, “Yes, it—is.” The mother breathed deeply as she watched the teenagers ogle each other. She didn’t want to see her daughter fawning over this—boy. There is nothing that could become of that relationship nor will it ever develop or start, but the way they looked at each other…

She couldn’t deny the fire ignited in those eyes and the expectant mother had to clear her throat several times before pulling her daughter out of her daze in order to place the vase of petunias on the table.

The atmosphere is unbelievably uncomfortable, Yuki wished Paul had enough common sense to make his leave, but the stubborn bull didn’t budge. He stayed until the nurse confirmed that she is finally dilated for her to push and Yuki demanded that she had her privacy.

Shiori and Paul made their way to the waiting room, the bland white walls did nothing to soothe the girl, but found her hand intertwining with Paul’s. The smile still on her face, she pressed her cheek against his arm reminding her how small she is compared to him. “Thank you for coming. You didn’t have to.”

Squeezing her hand softly, he reassured her, “I wanted to and my mom is coming as soon as she is off from work to check on your mom.”

Lifting her face from his face, she stole a glance at his chiseled features muttering, “I think she will like that.” Despite what her mother saying that she didn’t need an entourage of people coming to see her; every person wants to feel some importance and with Faith making a small impact on her mother, she knows she will appreciate it.

Through Paul’s eyes he is thrilled; beyond thrilled that Shiori is coming around. He hoped that she understood or felt how much he ached whenever he is apart from her only to wish that she didn’t. But like some of his pack mates said to him, she needs to feel it to understand it. He watched her fake smiles and laughs, showing concern with her overbearing mother.

Having her snuggled at his side made his heart swell, the harsh pounding against his ribcage to hear her heart doing the same. Happiness bubbled how her body easily melted into his side like they are one, relaxing a bit when she absentmindedly played with his fingers.

His hand large looked ten times as large as hers, but when he caught the familiar scent of vampire he frowned. Paul turned his head taking a subtle whiff, securing the idea that it is indeed a bloodsucker. He forgot the small detail of Shiori telling him that one of the Cullen’s is Yuki’s doctor and his temper started to flare again imagining him being close to her. Fangs protruding grazing the soft neck of his girl made it worse.

“Paul?” Her soft voice brought him back, his eyes matched her mocha colored ones full of worry. One of her hands wrapped around his forearm with a small frown on her face. “Are you okay?”

His stiff upper lip made it hard to smile as he replied, “Yeah, why?”

“You were trembling.” Shiori paused, her gentle eyes shifted from his for a split second as he felt her crawl back into her shell. “Are you…mad at me?”

Disbelief crossed his features. Why would he—he stopped for a moment rethinking of the time when she became so anxious about her safety around him because of his infamous temper. He knew that he has to learn to reel it in. Cupping her face, he frowned when she flinched. Letting his hand slip from her cheek, he gently answered, “No. I can never be mad at you. You’re perfect.”

Those words slipped out so effortlessly it made him uneasy for her reaction. A blush colored her cheeks as a small smile crept on her lips. “Never say never. I’m not as perfect as you think I am.”

He begged to differ, but refrained from saying anything else that might frighten her. Paul had so much to say, words filled with love and devotion, yet it is too soon for any of this. The shapeshifter knew this and backpedaled.

So he tried to ease her fear, “I’m trying as hard as I can to control my anger. It’s an issue I always had to deal with.” He pursed his lips his hand cupping one of her own. “The one thing I will never do is hurt a woman. That’s not how I was raised and my mom will have my head if I did.” He stopped himself and left out that he loved her too much to do something like that.

Too soon, he told himself.

“Shiori?” Paul looked up as his shoulders tensed, the pale skin, amber eyes and the atrocious scent of something overly sweet flared his nostrils. Dr. Cullen smoothly walked over with such grace and sent a smile towards his girl. Shiori slipped out of his grip as she stood up and met him half way with anxious eyes.


“Would you like to meet your baby brother?” Dr. Cullen noticed fairly early that the werewolf would stand by the girl’s side. A frown etched on the teenager’s face while Shiori beamed thanking the doctor for all his work. “I hardly did anything. Your mother did all the work, she did a phenomenal job.”

While Shiori quickly took out her phone to make a call to her father, Paul met the eyes of the doctor anticipating a look of hatred or some sort of erratic reaction. He is only met with a neutral expression melted with benevolence.

Once Shiori ended the call half of his mind knew that she is going to send him home so she can spend time with her new sibling. Everyone loves babies and to have him hanging around would damper the mood on her mother if she ever has any other expression that the stern look she gives him.

Instead, he is surprised again as she gripped his hand with a beaming smile. “Want to meet my brother?” Eyes filled with hope and happiness, he accepted her invitation.

And when she held onto her baby brother for the first time, he could only imagine what their child would look like when they have a baby of their own.
♠ ♠ ♠
I seriously needed a break from writing and it took longer than expected. Things are starting to get busy again with summer finally here. A few conventions I am going to along with birthdays including my own. I hope it's to your satisfaction and I promised more supernatural things, they will come. I always wanted them to start after Shiori's brother birth.

Thank you for everyone that has been supporting this story and commenting. :)