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When Hope Begins to Fade

Shopping With Val

I walked up to the door that mommy said to go to. My sister was beside me. I knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened and a huge, buff guy was standing there. I cocked my head to the side.

“Daddy?” I asked.

The guy stared at me.

“Sorry, wrong house baby girl.” he said.

“Mommy said that daddy lives here.” My sister argued.

The guy glanced at me confused as I handed him the note that mommy said to give him. He read it over.

“Guys.” the buff man yelled.

A few moments later and four more guys were standing at the door. There was a tall, lanky guy, a really short guy with a Mohawk, a guy with spiky hair and a guy with pretty eyes that stood out. I noticed that all five of the guys had tattoos but most rockstars did. They even had piercing.

“Who are they?” the guy with spiky hair asked.

The buff guy who answered the door handed the others the note. They looked up from the note and at my sister and I.

“What’s your names?” the tall guy asked.

“My name is Madison.” I told the guys.

“I’m Alexandra.” my sister spoke.

“How old are you two?” the short guy asked.

“Six.” Alexandra and I said at the same time.

“So your twins?” the guy with pretty eyes asked.

“Do we not look like it?” I asked.

All the guys laughed except for pretty eyes. Speaking of which, I wonder what their names are.

“What’s your name?” I asked the buff guy.

“I’m Matt. This is Jimmy, Zacky, Brian, and Johnny.” Matt told us as he pointed to each guy.

“So where is your mommy?” Brian asked.

I looked down at the ground. “Mommy didn’t want us anymore.” I sadly said.

“I’m sorry sweetheart.” Jimmy said as he knelt down to hug me. I hugged him back.

“Are you rockstars?” Alexandra asked.

The guys chuckled.

“Yes, how did you know?” Matt asked us.

“Mommy said.” Alexandra told them.

“Well let’s go inside and figure some stuff out, alright?” Brian said.

Jimmy picked me up and then picked Alexandra up. He carried us both inside to the living room. He sat us down on the couch.

“Anything to eat or drink?” Jimmy asked us.

“I want candy and Mountain Dew.” I told him.

“I want Oreos and Dr. Pepper.” Alexandra told him.

Jimmy arched an eyebrow. “Do you girls not like the same stuff?” he asked us.

“No.” Alexandra and I said at the same time.

“Well I’ll go see what we have. I’ll be right back.” Jimmy told us before leaving the room.

Zacky was the only other person in the room with us.

“Zacky.” I said getting his attention since he was playing a video game.


“You have pretty eyes.” I told him.

“You do.” Alexandra said.

Zacky turned to face us. He was smiling.

“Thank you.” Zacky said.

Zacky went back to playing his killing game. It was quiet between the three of us.

“I need to go to the bathroom.” Alexandra spoke up.

“Then go.” Zacky said.

“I don’t know where it is!” Alexandra exclaimed.

I giggled. Zacky paused his game and got up. Alexandra got up and went over to him. She took his hand and followed him out of the room. A few minutes later and Jimmy came back.

“Got your food!” he exclaimed. “Hey! Your sister is missing!”

I giggled. “No she’s not.”

“Yeah she is.” Jimmy argued.




Zacky and Alexandra walked back into the room. Jimmy gasped.

“I found her!” he shouted which caused me to giggle again.

“She had to go to the bathroom.” Zacky told Jimmy.

Jimmy glanced over at me and playfully glared.

“You could’ve told me.” he said.

“You never asked.” I said smiling.

“Anyway, here is your food and drinks.” Jimmy said as he walked over to the couch.

Alexandra was now sitting back beside me. Jimmy glanced from me to Alexandra then back to me.

“You wanted the Dr. Pepper and Oreos.” he said pointing to me.

I laughed. “No I didn’t.”

He glanced at Alexandra. “So you did?”

“No.” Alexandra said giggling.

“One of you are lying!” Jimmy stated.

“I wanted Mountain Dew and candy.” I said.

Jimmy held the can of soda and a Snickers out. I reached for them and he put them up above his head.

“Hey! No fair.” I whined.

“Gotta reach.” Jimmy said smiling.

I kept trying to reach but failed since I was so short compared to him. Matt came into the room.

“Jimmy, give them their food and sodas.” Matt told him.

Jimmy did what he was told and then stuck his tongue out. Matt walked over to us.

“Did your mommy say who your daddy was?” Matt asked us.

Alexandra and I shook our heads no.

“They look like Zack’s kids.” Brian spoke as he came into the room.

Zacky glanced over at him then back to his game. Johnny and a lady came into the room. She walked over to us.

“Hi, I’m Val.” the lady said.

“I’m Madison and this is Alexandra.” I told Val.

Alexandra waved a little and continued eating.

“Do you girls want to go shopping? Matt said you didn’t bring anything with you.”

“Sure.” I said smiling.

Val smiled back at me.

“What about you?” Val asked Alexandra.

Alexandra finished eating before speaking.

“Love to.”

“Ready to go now?” Val asked us and we both shook our heads yes.

“Well then let’s go.” Val said.

Alexandra and I stood up and followed Val. We went out to a car which I was guessing was Val’s. Alexandra and I got in the back. I realized that the guys didn’t follow us.

“Are the guys not going?” I asked.

“Nope. They have things to do.” Val told us.

Val asked us a bunch of questions on the way. We learnt that she also has a twin sister that we would meet later on. She was Matt’s wife also. We told her about our selves. I told her that I like to be called Maddy or Madison since it didn’t matter to me. Alexandra told her that she liked to be called Alex, Ali, Xandra or just her full first name.

We soon pulled up to a big building which I figured was the mall. We got out. I took Val’s right hand while Alexandra held her left hand. We walked inside and Val began taking us to stores. Each store we bought at least five items from. Val said it was alright since we needed clothing. It was nice having new clothes. Mommy didn’t buy us much clothes. The clothes that were expensive she managed to steal.

After about five hours of shopping and walking from store to store we were finally done.

“Let’s get some food to eat.” Val said.

We went into the food court. Val asked us what we wanted. Alexandra wanted Chinese but I wanted Taco Bell. Val laughed at how different we were. She got Alexandra her Chinese while we got Taco Bell. We ate our food and talked some more. Val was really nice. She asked us if we had heard of the band Avenged Sevenfold and we said no. She said that we will soon. After we finished eating she ordered some Taco Bell to go for the guys. We then got back into the car and headed back to the house.
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Ali and Maddy's clothes