More than it seems.

Wait wait wait.

The train's movement was fast but steady and smooth. In the dining cart, biting a cream-cheeze bagel and sipping a morning coffee, Cameille Andrews stared at the pure white, uncreased envelope beside her. The printed name on the front bothered her even more than the blinding-ish color of the white.


Cameille and Adam were ex-lovers that had broken up (for what it seems like years) a year ago. He hadn't contacted her since their breakup, so why start now? Now. Of all days. Now. Slumping back into the leather booth seat, Cameille debated on whether she should open it or not. It was just a letter, but it was suspicious. Then, the question dawned on her. How did Adam know she was in San F-- Oh. Cameille let out a sigh of relief. She had forgotten, everyone from her hometown thought that she was in college in San Francisco but, her life was way to hectic to be going to college.

Cameille reached over a lightly handled the envelope. She slid her fingers along the envelope's edges, touching it like it was a never-before-seen-species. Then, a little sting appeared on her index finger. Great, Cameille thought. Adam had alwayd teased Cameille for getting a habit to "Forciblly" give herself a paper cut. Carefully, Cameille opened the envelope and inside revealed a letter:

Dear Cammy,

Look, I've been thinking of us lately. And I know that things didn't work out between us before but, let's, say, start over? You're like a puzzle piece to my life. If you want, we can start out as friends. I know, you're probally thinking this is some real bullshit. You always had that spice about you. To say the truth, I've experimented here and there but none was like you. YOU, Cameille. Cameille Andrews. Your parents had informed me that you're coming home for this new years. Of course you would. You always kept your promises. Look, we need to talk, ASAP. Please, Cammy. For old time's sake. You need to know everything. And I needed to know, and learned, that I shouldn't have pushed your buttons. 'Cause you, Cameille Andrews, can dump a guy--hard. I'll be waiting Cammy. You got my number( Actually, I hope you have it), so call me.

Your jerk of a ex,
Adam Mathews

Cameille nearly laughed out loud. If Adam had really "known" her. He would have known that it would take more than a sorry note, multiple apologizes, and a "Please take me back" Phase to make Cameille take him back. And, how could he still call her "Cammy"? That was a real piss off. No one calls her that. Well, cause people don't even know her real name but, name smanes, Cameille was not taking Adam back. Never.

Glacing at her watch, Cameille noticed that it was starting to get crowdy in the dining cart. A glimpse of scarlett red hair had caught Cameille's attention. It was short and it was a guy's hair style. Cameille regonized him instantly. Oh great, Cameille thought. Of a places, she meets her target here ? And now? She's been trying to track this guy down for days and when she finally gets a vacation, she sees him. Bullcrap.

Cameille pulled out her cell phone and dialed the office. There was barely one ring when a familar receptionist's voice came up.

" Hello! S-" the woman started.

" Yeah, yeah, Sally's bank. Look, it's Cameille here. I found my target. But I'm on my vacation. So, do I get him or not?" Cameille said as fast as she could so no one can pick up what she was saying unless they were easdropping. Only the receptionist, Sally, can receive and get information quickly.

" 'Cameille Andrwes, you shall retrieve the target and bring him in for execution when you return.' is what the boss says." Sally informed. Cameille can just imagine the shrug of the shoulders this girl just made.

"Great," Cameille sarcasticly mumered under her breath. Then the line went dead. Cameille looked around for a red head and -man, he was easy to spot- waved him over. He looked lost, misplaced, but with an extra high guard. Checking to see if Cameille was talking to him, the red head mouthed "Me?" and Cameille breifly nooded. Unsure, the boy walked over to her.

"Yeah?" He asked. Cameille was stunned at his clueless-ness.

"Um... Want a seat? I...just couldn't help but to notice..." And that's all it took. The boy slid into the booth-seat across from Cameille and started digging into his breakfast--bacon and eggs and toast; common.

Cameille extended her hand. "Cammie. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" The boy just looked at Cameille and continued eating. After a few mouthfuls, the boy wiped his mouth and replied, "Brandon." And took Cameille's hand.

"Nice name," Cameille noted. She registered the look from Brandon that he was probally thinking "What the hell?"
"Oh! But--Not that I... Urm... how's your breakfast?" Cameille quickly tried to change the subject.

"Dry. The bacon. And the eggs, plain. The toast? Hate it." Brandon replied and dropped his fork. " So, you wanna tell me why you called me over here?"

" Meh," Cameille said giving a smile. The boy was a picky eater. The boy gave a smile also, but his eyes looked elsewhere. The envelope.

"Oh! This? It's nothing," Cameille said, placing the envelope into her bag. Brandon leaned forward and put his chin in his hands.

" Want to tell me who Adam is? I mean, you brought me over here, let's get to know eachother," Brandon said, raising an eyebrow.

Giving a sigh, Cameille said, " An ex. A jerk of an ex in fact. Done. All he is. An ex."

" Wow. What an explanation," Brandon said sarcasticly.

" Oh I'm sorry, was I supposed to give you a recap of my life?" Cameille snapped. Brandon just leaned back in his seat. Then, he replied, "That's a promise." and winked.
Cameille can't help but laugh.

" So, where are you headin' to?" Brandon asked.

"New york City, you?"

" I don't know," Brandon replied. Cameille expected something slightly like this but a boy, on a train, with no idea where to go, is kind of...what? "I'm thinking of getting off on the last stop, you know? Stay on the train for as long as I can then get off on the last stop." Cameille thought about the train schedle.

"The last stop's New York City," Cameille informed. Cameille watched as Brandon brushed his hand through his hair then he replied, " Well, I guess Brandon here is getting off with you."

There was a slight pause. Then, they exploded with laughter. Cameille slowly gathered her stuff and rose from her seat.

" Well, Brandon, I gotta go--To my room. So, see you around?" Cameille said, guesturing around the train. Brandon rose from his seat also and took Cameille's hand.

"Sure, Cam. Is it alright if I call you that?" Brandon asked, giving her hand a little squeeze. Cameille stared into his crystal-green eyes. They were beautiful.

" No problem. Uhm...Bye then," Cameille said, then released from his grasp and walked past him.
Digging through her right pocket, Cameille was searching for her train ticket. It was supposed to have her room number on it--Along with the key thing. Giving up on that pocket, she searched through her left pocket and found it almost instantly. Should've started with that one first, Cameille thought. The paper was crumpled-ish and had the numbers thirty-six on it. With one hand looking at her ticket, the other searched her pocket for her keys.

Strolling through the halls, Cameille was looking for the room thirty-six. Then she found it at the end of some train car hall. Studying the door, Cameille slowly inserted the key that came along with the ticket, (it was on the back). Opening the door, the door revealed a really nice bedroom with silk curtains and vased tables. Stepping into the room, Cameille dropped her bags by the bed and closed the door shut. Cameille glanced around the room in approval.

A loud thud came from somewhere in the room that makes Cameille jump and take cover. Then she hears it. How can she be so careless?! She hears water falling. More like a shower's water falling. Why was the shower on? Cameille eyed the room closely, then from the bathroom's entrance a guy came out in a towel. In a towel..A towel..Towel..Towel?! Cameille shreiked and covered her eyes quickly with her hands. But aware of the movement in the room.

Cameille can hear shuffling around the room, the shower's water turning off. Then, footsteps edging closer to her. It was slow, as if uncertain.

"Y-you can o-open your eyes now," The boy's voice said. The voice was way too familiar.

"You don't sound sure," Cameille smirked.

"Well, I am." the voice replied. Slowly, Cameille removed her hands and she was right. She knew the boy. It was Brandon. Cameille slowly backed away.

"Brandon, why are you here?" Cameille asked.

" I should be asking you. I mean, I come out of the shower and into my room and there you are," Brandon said.

"Wait wait wait. your room? This's mine," Cameille said, not believing the words.

"What? Haha. No. It's mine. See?" Brandon handed Cameille his ticket. He was right. It said room thirty-six.

" Yeah. I can see it. But my ticket says room thirty-six too" Cameille said, handing him her ticket. Brandon gave a sigh that said "Unbelievable" all over it. Then it occured to Cameille.

" Hey Brandon, are they making us room together?" Cameille asked, unsure.

"Who knows Cam. The word's a crazy bitch." Brandon said,then walked off to sit on the bed. Now that it occured to Cameille, there were two beds.

"Well, I.. uhm... I'm okay with it if you are," Cameille tried. Then Brandon turned to her and smiled. He got up from the bed and walked towards her.

"Really?" He was getting closer. " I mean, you okay with us rooming? You, a girl. Me, a guy?" He was definetly getting to close. Then he leaned in to Cameille's ear. Cameille squeezed her eyes shut. " Aren't you afraid?" His breath tingled Cameille's skin. He retreated just a bit, but was now in Cameille's face. His forhead touching her's. Then he smiled. " Just kidding," He said.

He walked off, stretching his arms. " I'm fine with it," then he turned and winked at Cameille. " I won't do anything. Don't worry. I'm a good boy." Then he went into the bathroom doing who knows what. Cameille slumped against the wall, heat rising to her cheeks. Deal with it, Cameille thought. Her heart was beating fast, her breathing hard and she was confused. She never felt like this before.

Then a ring echoed in the room. Cameille stood up and searched for it's source. Then, it stopped and talking occured. Cameille was close enough to the bathroom to hear.

"Yeah, I know...She's fine...Of course..." Panic and confusion struck Cameille. What was Brandon into? Who's fine? And he knows what? Then, the bathroom door opened and there stood Brandon, staring at Cameille, who was about two feet from him.

♠ ♠ ♠
I like the story, really. I just hope it isn't boring. :/