More than it seems.

The unexpected.

Cameille looked at Brandon, trying to read his expression. She can see his muscles tensing up, and the hurt in his eyes. Oh why had Cameille asked him that?! Stupid! Okay, that's enough, Cameille decided. She reached her arm over to Brandon's and touched his hand. He looked up, his scarlett hair glowing, gazing into Cameille's eyes.

"It's okay Brandon.. You don't have to force yourself to tell me," Cameille said,showing concern. Brandon forced a smile and said, "Thanks," But that wasn't enough. Cameille feels a deep, guilty feeling in her stomach. It was just eating her from the inside.

" Okay, okay. Ask me a question, and I'll tell you," Caneille said before she could've stopped her self. Brandon's mounth moved, but no sound came out. He leaned back, and making an "L" shape on his chin with his right hand. Looks like he was thinking. Cameille sat there, across from him, studying his face. How his eyebrows arched together when he was thinking, how his tounge sticks out a bitof his closed mouth, how his h--Wait. Why was Cameille thinking of this?! Cameille mentally kicked herself and would've ran into a wall if she could. Oh how she hated this, all this. But Brandon was sweet... and nice. But he did that! That horrible thing! But he----

There was a cough from across the table. It didn't take long for Cameille to realize that she was lost in her thoughts. Cameille looked at Brandon, staright in the eye. Bad idea. His eyes were practiclly glowing. Excitement all over his face. It's okay, calm down, Cameille thought, taking a sip of water.

" Well then Cam. I want you to tell me, Brandon, your firstkiss," Brandon said, trying to sound "graceful." Cameille nearly choked on her water. That horrible scene.

"E-eh? Why?!" cameile questioned. It was the second mistake of her life. Right under ever dating Adam.

"Well, You told me to ask you. I did." He said, smirking. Oh how Cameille would just love to reach over and shove some of Brandon's fettuchini shrimp down hos throat. Cameille sighed, basiclly reliving it.

Cameille coughed sightly and told her story.

"There was a light knock on my bedroom door," Cameille started. She can remember it as if it was yesterday.


Finally finishing final exams, Cameille wanted to catch her favorite show on earth. She always fantasized being in it. How her blood would rush, walking the bordline of life and death. The life, of a undercover. Right when she finally got everything away,snuggled into bed, and turned on the television, there was a light knock her bedroom door. Cameille didn't answer (She had a policy for that; Don't answer until the one on the other side does first.) at first, but then there was a light voice of "Hello?" from the other side. A smile appeared on Cameille's face. It was Secillia, Cameille's best friend for that time.

"Yeah?" Cameille answered finally. Cameille can practiclly hear Secillia pout from the other side.

"Awh. Caaaameeillee~~!! You know you want to go!" Secillia pouted. Go? Cameille never wanted to go. It was Friday, and the day where almost all of the seniors party. And that fact for today, it was a Friday. The last Friday 'till graduation in fact.

"Awh. Seeeeccciillllllllllliiiiaaaa~~!! You know that I rather sit home, catch up on my undercover episodes then go to some lame seniors party 'of-the-year'," Cameille imitated Secillia for a bit.

"Fine! I'll just show up. Alone. Bye Cameille!," Secilla shouted, sounding hurt. Then, there was a slam of a door. Then, the slam of a car door. Cameille rubbed her temples and crawled of bed. It was 8:09 pm, Cameille was dead tired, and yet, she got up to go to some lame-ass party for her pouting best friend. The things you can do.

Cameille opened her closet, to only reveal dark clothing. Sighing, Cameille exitied her bedroom. Walking down the short and narrow hallway, Cameille saw it. A blackened red dress, a ribbion tied to the side, and black high-heels. Also, a note above it. Cameille started edging towards it, as if afraid to touch it, grabbed the note.

Caaaaaammmmmmmeeeillllleeee~~~~~~~!!! You just have to wear this. I perfer you wear it to the party but, if you're not, let this baby breeeee~~~~atheee! Wear it while taking a walk! Wear it while doingsomething outside the house. You can do at least that for me.
Lubs, Secillia.

Crumpling the note(She had always had an habit), Cameille eyes the dress--and the shoes. how much has this cost Secillia?! If she bought it just to let Cameille go to that party...Then she was going to go.


"Ohh~ Dresses and parties, huh? Sounds romantic," Brandon said,letting his "r"s roll. Oh.. Cameille felt like she was going to throw up. She was even rembering the smell. Suck it up, you gotta do this, Cameille thought. She stared into Brandon's beautiful chocolate colored eyes, and continued.


Pulling out onto the driveway of [ The most annoying person ever!] Sandra Annies, Cameille spotted Secilla only a few cars down. It was a cold and chilly night and here she was, wearing a fucking dress. Sighing, Cameille turned off her engine and got out the car, locking it behind her. By now, Secilla had spotted Cameille and is now waving rapidly at her. The guys who Secilla was talking to looked at Cameille then asked Secilla sonething. Secilla replied with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey," Cameille said when she had reached Secilla. Secilla gave Cameille a great big hug before replying, " Hey! You made it!"


"Ughhh," Brandon whined. "This is getting boring. Cut to the chase woman." Brandon said, giving Cameille "the eye."

"Asshole.." Cameille mumered. Brandon heard her and laughed hysterically.


What Cameille had thought was mountain dew, was actually beer. Cameille never noticed 'till she was wobbly and was laughing like an idiot. While dancing, someone had caught Cameille's arm.

Cameille looked up to see someone, just a guy at a party. Whateves. He leaned in and whispered, " Do you want to go somewhere?" And Cameille's head was foggy by now. So the guy took it as a "yes" and started dragging her off to somewhere.

It was cold, a winter breeze, really. And Cameille can just make out where they were. Under the bleachers. Cameille tried to get away, but she was too drunk and weak to. The guy, by now was gripping her arm hard.

Slowly, Cameille can feel a little "clearer" but not clear enough. The guy was making a move for it. Cameille struggled but the guy only tightened his grip. And oh, he smelled disgusting. How had Cameille gotten into this?!

Shutting her eyes, Cameille waited for the worst. Only then, was when she made impact with something hard. Like, metal or some sort. Next thing Cameille knows, she's on the ground, looking up .


Brandon sat there, with his mouth wide open.
"That's some crazy--" He started.
"Shut it. Let me finish." Cameille said and continued.

On the behalf of looking up, Cameille decided she should just act unconcious. Yeah, that works. Shutting her eyes again, she can feel herself being lifted up onto her legs, well, "-ish."

"Move it,loser. She's mine." A familiar voice boomed. Then, Cameille felt a soft impact on her lips. Not hungry ones, wanting more, but a soft and gentle one.

Slowly, Cameille opened her eyes and her heart almost dropped. It was that strange asshole Adam.


Brandon clapped his hands. "Woo Hoo! Your firs kiss was with your boyfriend. Should'nt you be happy?" Brandon said.

"Ex boyfriend. And at that time, I hated his guts," Cameille corrected, looking down.

"Aw. It's okay," Cameille looked uo and saw Brandon giving her puppy eyes. But what really caught her eyes, was behind him. It was a blonde chick and she was looking at Brandon like Brandon looks at his Pasta. Cameille needed to do something about this chick.

Cameille leaned in closer to Brandon whispered, " You realize that someone's looking at you, right?" She looked uo into Brandon eyes and he nodded.

" I had a feeling, only, I was scared of who," Brandon replied. Cameille laughed.

"Wimp." She teased then stopped, she had a way. " Hey, do you want them to stop looking at you?" Cameille asked.

" Yeah, it's giving me the bumps." He made a shiver motion. Cameille only smiled. Slowly, she leaned in. More... And more...

"Hey, what are y--" And she did it. Their lips met. Spontaniously. Only, it was Brandon who did the unexpected.

He kissed back more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it was short. :/
I actually have a question~~!
By now, [if you read all three] you have an image of Adam and Brandon. So, who do you like more? :]