

Adrienne stepped back into London air the next day. She was dropped off at the Ministry of Magic. It seemed due to the war they weren’t letting just anyone in and out of their sight. She stepped inside, seeing that so much had changed. It seemed the air was lighter, yet a recognizable sense of sadness hung in the air.

It seemed the loss of loved ones had left no one untouched. Adrienne watched as families would find out that their lost blood was no longer going to return to them, she felt especially bad for the families that were missing people named as traitors. Mothers and Fathers would be interviewed about whereabouts of their child, whom they only missed and wanted back, and she was sure that they would stop at nothing until every last follower was placed in Askaban.

She struggled to find courage to even talk to anyone, as it seemed she would only choke on all the words she meant to say. She was dealing with educated Aurors who had fought in the Great War only a week ago. The wizard talking to her directly had a bandage over his eye, probably from some slicing jinx.

“Your name is on the list of those consorting with the wizard known as Voldemort, or Tom Riddle, is this true?”

“Ah- well no.” She struggled to tell him, “I was a spy, given a task by Dumbledore, before his death.”

“You and a few others.” He said, “Can you prove this?”

“Mm, Harry, Harry Potter. He knew who I was, what I was doing. He advised me not to.”

“And what exactly is it that you did?”

“I was… a distraction.” She said. “So that people like Harry or Severus Snape could get things past him, back to the order.”

“And Severus Snape, you worked closely with him as well?”

“Yes, I uh, he sort of took care of me, kept me safe.”

“From? I hardly understand how both of you could have been consorting with Voldemort, yet he kept you ‘safe?’”

“He was my professor, I attended Hogwarts for a short while before the war, and he took it upon himself to see that I wasn’t hurt or killed.”

“And why would he do that?”

“He… felt sort of responsible I suppose, I wanted to help Dumbledore so badly and Severus convinced me not to.”

“But you ended up there anyway. Because of him.”

“Yes – But –“

“We also have several statements that there was a girl, in the Malfoy family’s care, one of your description.”

Adrienne pulled her sleeping bundle closer to her chest, this man seemed like he no longer wanted to act friendly.

“And?” she asked.

“Many of Voldemort’s late followers believe that he will live on… because of a child. What can you tell me about that Ms. Knox?”

“I – I –“

“You admitted to spending time at the Malfoy Manor, did you not?”

“Well, yes but I-“

“And that is a newborn child in your arms, is it not?”

“She’s my daughter – yes -”

“Then it seems we have a problem Ms. Knox, I’m afraid the ministry may not allow you to take that child with you.”

“She – But her father!”

“Please, speak clearly.”

“There was… an affair. Of sorts.” Adrienne admitted.

“What kind of affair, one between you and Voldemort –“

“No. Not… not that ghastly man. His plan was to yes, conceive a child. But I… strayed from his company with a man, whom I wish not to expose.”

“I’m afraid you may have to.”

“I – well, I told you that Severus Snape protected me. He did watch over me, every night. And I’m sure that with all the time we spent together I manage to entice him in some way… this little girl is his daughter, not that of evil. Please… you have to let me see him.”

“Severus Snape is listed as deceased, Ms. I’m sorry.”

Adrienne inhaled painful, realizing her deepest fear was a reality. Voldemort must’ve gone straight to him after dealing with her. She had hoped that she kept his name protected, but he pulled it out of her, with magic. She had returned with no one to claim her. The Malfoy family was missing, Severus… dead.

“If you wish, we can clear up the paternity and you can take your little girl home.”

“Is…” she choked, she couldn’t speak through the painful lump in her throat. Her eyes stung from the tears. “What am I to do?” she cried.

Adrienne was surprised when he let her be excused. But she still didn’t know where to go, she was just as lost at the Ministry, as she was inside her own head. She stood at the gleaming fountain, sitting down and trying to calm her fussing child.

“Have you gone in for questioning then?” she was asked.

She turned around to see Harry Potter; bandages on his face, bruises on his hands, but a smile on his face. Adrienne nodded, answering his question.

“Suppose they were pretty hard on you n’ all, with being on the other side.”

“Yes.” She said, “It’s all… very hard.”

“Are you… alright, I understand if you don’t want to tell me, you just seem awfully upset.”

“I have a little girl Harry.”

“I see that, with the head of black hair and all.”

“She doesn’t have a father.” Adrienne cried some more, Harry was astounded; he hoped that the rumors weren’t true.

“You mean… because I killed him?” he asked.

Adrienne looked at him, appalled, “No! NO! Harry No, of course not, it’s not… it’s not his.

“I’m sorry I suppose the rumors seem to have everyone… well wondering.”

“I – I wouldn’t have had the child if it was his.”

“Then… if you don’t mind me asking, who did you lose?”

“Severus.” She said, whispering.

“You mean… you had a kid… with our teacher?”

“Oh Harry! Come off it! Don’t start with that.”

“But what do you mean, I just saw Severus the other day, at St. Mungos. Did… did he not make it?” Harry asked. “They sad he’s be fine.”

“Wait… what?” she asked.

“He was in the hospital, snake bites.” Harry said, “But he’d taken a potion… uh – Concoula I think it was. Saved his life. Least I thought it did.”

“Do you think the Aurors could’ve made a mistake?” she asked hopeful.

“It’s possible, things have been scattered since the war, everyday people find people supposed to be dead. Unfortunately most of them stay dead.”

“I’m so sorry Harry, I assume you’ve lost someone?”

“Many friends, but everyone was so brave to stand up to him you know, even you.”

“Thank you Harry… do you… do you know where I might find… Severus – if he was alive. The Malfoy’s are gone, I don’t know where to turn to.”

“There’s always Spinner’s End. Or the castle, but I would assume he’d be resting after the state he was in.”

“Thank you Harry… really.”

“Don’t mention it, I hope… I hope you find that man. He was very brave you know.”

“Oh I know Harry. He risked everything, for both of us.”

Adrienne was more than anxious to finish her duties at the Ministry. Once she was she prompted a cab to take her Cokeworth. She had been there before, but she had been completely oblivious to it. It was a quaint muggle town, run down. Obviously once more busy perhaps when the mills had been running and work had been steady. But now it seemed as though it was just a town full of little shops and abandoned houses. Adrienne realized it somewhat suited Severus perfectly, secluded, mysterious, and sad.

The car came over a bridge the crested over a dirty river, perhaps trying to wash away the sadness of the town. The street sign ‘Spinners End’ grabbed her attention. Rows of small houses drearily stood next to one another, and it seemed that all were empty, but one.

She thanked the driver and managed to give him the rest of the galleons she had left. She couldn’t apparate, not properly with a little girl in her arms, let alone with her magical difficulties. This had to be her only chance, or she was going to become stranded in this small town until… well truth be told she could be stuck here forever.

She knocked upon the shadowy door. Hearing nothing from the other side. She worried that he had left, perhaps he was long gone, or hiding like many others. Adrienne didn’t know, she only felt a pit in her stomach; one that told her sadness lived here. While trying to keep her little girl asleep, she tried to loudly knock giving herself more of a chance she might be heard.

She was able to walk around the house by carefully stepping over gardening tools and empty sacks of fertilizer. The windows were dark, and the back door was locked, so she knocked again. She pulled out her wand and tried to concentrate enough to get the lock to open, it took her several tries and a lot of focus but it finally clicked open.

She first registered a familiar smell of ingredients. She had entered into the kitchen where there were several cauldrons, some emitting smoke, others empty. She took a whiff of the first cauldron, and pulled her daughter away from the fumes, these were dangerous potions.

“Severus!” she called out, “Are you here?”

She made her way down the hallway, to her right there was a sitting area, walls lined with a thousand books, a leather armchair and on the floor, Severus.