Status: Finished. The Sequel is An Allstar Weekend Fan Fic Love Triangle(real sequel)

Love Triangle


Sarah's POV

"Where are we going?" I asked excitedly. Cameron walked over to Michael and whispered something in his ears. Michael then nodded and told Kim who told Nathan.

"Come on lets get in the van and I will show you. " He grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I then heard Michael say, "You guys can go just make sure that your back for the show later on."

"Do I have to bring anything with?" I asked in a thinking tone.

"Nope I already took care of all of that." He smirked at me I couldn't help but smile back.

We both hopped into the van. Only a few minutes later we pulled up to Putting Edge.

We both walked in the doors while he was still holding his arm around my waist.

"You know how to golf right?" I raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious? I am a master at golf. That means that you better watch out cause your about to get your butt kicked in mini golf." I said it teasing him.

"Oh really? you think that you can beat me? Fine I will make you a deal. If you win then we could do whatever you want for the day we get done with the tour and If i win then we get to do whatever I want to do for the day we get done with the tour ok?" Cameron looked pretty serious about winning but so was I.

"Deal" then we shook on it. "Ok now lets go play mini golf in the dark. I hope you don't have a fear of the dark?" Cameron was honestly questioning my fear, "Well, I still am afraid of the dark. What if the monsters come out and try to eat me?" I was serious for the first part the second part was me being my sarcastic joking self.

"Well if they come after you and try to eat you they won't even be able to touch you because they would have to get through me first. I'm a pretty hard person to pass too." I saw the neon lights reflect against his hazel eyes. They had a sparkle that just made my heart melt. We had finished the rest of the holes and we were on the last one. I was in the lead by +1 and he had a +2. On the last hole Cameron thought it would be funny to treat me like I didn't know a thing about golf. He stood behind me and took his arms and wrapped them around mine.

We swung and it hit the rock and missed the hole by an inch. So I finished with +3 so now it was his turn he hit the ball and it landed in the hole!!! We both finished with the score of +3.

"So now what do we do we tied the score." He thought about it for a while before answering.

"Well we could always have one day we do what you want to do and then the next we do what I want to do."

"Ok that works for me!" He leaned down and we kissed and then headed for the van. We then met the boys at the venue. The boys did sound check and then the concert started.

Backstage was me, Kim, and Alena....
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