Status: Just the first bit so i can see if people do like this or not. :)

If You Go Down To The Woods Tonight

Chapter Two

My eyes flickered open with the bright orange glow filling the sky, I made a shield with my hand and blocked out the light. With my other hand I rubbed my eyes gently to loosen and remove any sleep caught in the corner o my eye. After a small stretch and running my hand through my hair did I notice the thin green sheet placed on top of me. Confused I sat up and looked around. Nobody. Of course nobody is here. I mean lets be honest, when something like this happens when do you ever meet or even see the person who did the deed. I grabbed the corners of the sheet and folded it up into a square and placed it it the corner of the tree house. I had a look over the room, my eyes catching the small mural we had drawn on the wood. Smiling at the memories I took my bag and climbed down the ladder. Once both my feet had touched the leaf filled ground I made my way back home. Hopefully its not to late into the day that my parents are still asleep. I mean who wants to walk into their parents house at some time in the morning in yesterdays clothes while they sit at the breakfast table. No? Neither do I.

I gently pushed down the brass handle and gently guided the door open far enough to let me through. Behind me I pushed the door closed with a muffled sound. I untied my shoes so they didn’t click on the kitchen tiles and walked through the downstairs as to reach the stair. Stepping up them as quickly and quietly as possible I darted into my room. I shrugged off my cardigan and dropped it on the chair which was tucked under my desk. Once I managed to get my clothes off I darted under my quilt and turned to face the wall after looking at the clock. It displayed 6:15am in bright red lights. 15 minuets until my parents start to move about and get ready for work. Cutting it fine. I closed my eyes and let sleep take me but it was no use. Knowing I couldn’t get up and move about as my parents would suspect something I lay in bed with my green ipod plugged into my ear. The soft sounds of “Never Shout Never” filling my ears.

I waited until I heard the loud bang of the front door banging shut before I threw back the quilt and went for a shower. Now most people would think it strange that my parents haven’t seen me for over 24 hours and don’t really bother but to be honest, they are used to not seeing me. Usually the they think I’m in my room, drawing or painting away. Inspiration can hit at the most random times. That’s why its inspiration.

I turned the knobs on the shower box and let the water shoot out and hit my back, releasing all knots and remove all stress. I stayed under the spray thinking about last night. About the mystery about the blanket. However soon enough the hot water ran out and I was being hit by cold water. I grabbed the fluffy towel and wrapped it around my short body before wrapping a smaller one around my hair. I padded back into my room and pulled out a light dress and brown cardigan as well as some underwear. I dried my hair into its soft ringlets and began getting dressed. Once all of my clothes sat on my body I grabbed some jewellery and placed it on. I made my way down to the kitchen and placed a slice of brown bead into the toaster and got myself a glass of milk. Once fed and ready I grabbed my bag and once again made my way into the forest.

As my feet stepped on the sticks and stones they made soft crunching noises. All was quiet in the forest apart from me. Once again I followed the barely there path into the heart if the forest. Towards the tree house. I constantly looked around, looking for any signs of life apart from the woodland animals. But of course there was none. Once I reached the nailed in ladder I placed my feet on the wood and climbed up. Pulling myself up onto the landing the first thing I noticed was the folded blanket no longer there. Taking out my art book I rummaged in my bag for watercolour paints and a brush. I had two little pots in the bag too. Taking them out along with the water bottle I poured some water into each of the clear cups. And right there I lost myself in the painting. This time is was solely of the woods but this time I small figure made its way into the painting. A small figure with a mystical feel and aura surrounding them.

Just like the night before it was late before I finished. But this time rather than packing up I turned on the small torch and allowed the woodland air to dry my painting. I sat in the tree house, my fingers tracing over the faded drawing on the walls.

- - Flashback - -
“Damien, look, mummy got me some new crayons today. Look, there’s so many of them, lets draw” I ran towards my best friend with a large smile covering my face. Damien stood there waiting for me, a smile growing on his face too. Once my feet stepped into the tree’s Damien grabbed my hand and we ran together to our tree house. We clambered up the ladder and I tipped out the crayons. I set out work in drawing a rainbow and a unicorn. I lost myself within the drawing and was pulled out immediately my Damien.

“Look, its us. That’s you” He pointed to a stick man drawing of me, “And that’s me” Holding hands with my stick man drawing was another stick man, this time a boy.

“There amazing, look I drew a unicorn, see”

We spent hours filling one of the walls in little drawings that only meant things to us. It was our wall.

- - End Flashback - -
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and here is her outfit