It Will Have To Wait


"Y-yeah. I'll be there." I said, as the other line went dead. It was another one of those parties, I don't know who's hosting, but I'm going to be there. I've always been to parties. I don't know if I've gone to every epic party ever thrown around here, but I know I've gone to a lot. But this time, I'm going alone. Every time I go to parties, I go with her. It's not that she wants to watch my every move. It's just that we have a lot of mutual friends. And because we have a lot of mutual friends, I know she's going to be there. I just know it.

"Hey, Garrett!" Eric slurred as he made his way through the crowd.
"How's it going?" I asked.
"Doing great, man." He slung his arm around my shoulder.
"Have you seen the rest of the guys?"
"Yeah, they're out back." he said, guiding me through the crowd of drunk people. I thought I saw a familiar face in there, but I guess I was just imagining. I saw the guys playing beer pong against Nick and some other people.
"Hey, Garrett!" they all said. I waved back.
"You want to play beer pong?" Jared asked.
"Nah, I think I'll pass." I went in the kitchen and got a beer for myself. And what I saw didn't exactly shock me, but I felt as if my heart fell from the top of a skyscraper. She was there. With some new guy. It hasn't even been that long since we broke up. I hate them. I hate him. I hate that new shirt she's wearing. I hate that she grew thinner. I hate that she's happier with him. It's not that I'm selfish, oh, no. I just hate it that she's happier with him, because it makes me feel that I made her sad or whatever. It's not a good feeling. I approached her when her new boyfriend left. I had to talk things out. I hate it that I had to do it here.
"Louren. H-hey." I said.
"Garrett." she said, forcing a smile.
"I-uh... how's it going?"
"What do you want, Garrett?" she asked. She was wearing that necklace I gave her. I thought she got rid of that as soon as she got rid of our relationship.
"I... I miss you, Louren."
"Garrett... please..." she groaned.
"No, please, let me explain." "I... I messed up, alright?" I continued.
"Well you got that right." she said. I just sighed.
"When I said I wanted a break, I didn't want to break up. At least a part of me did, at that time."
"What do you mean, Garrett?"
"What I'm trying to say is that I still love you, and I always will. Just, please give us--this, one more chance." I said as I looked into her blue eyes. Those hypnotizing blue eyes.
"Garrett, I've given you so many chances. I... I just don't want to see you waste them, and I don't want to get my heart broken again." she said, averting her eyes from mine.
"Lour, please, I'm sorry." I said.
"Garrett, we both wanted this. And I may have never told you, but I wanted to break up with you, too. And it's not because you've been treating me badly, it was because I wanted you to be happy." Happy? She wanted to break up with me and she expects me to be fucking happy? What the hell was wrong with her?
"How the hell do you expect me to be happy? I've lost you, Lour."
"And that doesn't mean that you can be sad, Garrett."
"It does, actually."
"No, Garrett. You have the band, and your fans, and Trey and your parents. You haven't lost anything at all, Garrett."
"Lour, you don't understand!" I said.
"I think I do." she said. I saw her tearing up a little bit. God knows what was going on in her head.
"Lour--Louren... don't cry, please?" I said, putting her face in my hands, but she swiftly moved away.
"Garrett, you know you'll be alright. And always remember that I love you, no matter what. We may not be together now, but that doesn't mean I love you any less." she said, wiping away tears that have fallen from her eyes.
"I--I'll keep that in mind." I said. I just felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. Even if she said that. Come to think of it, I'm hurting more because she said that.
"Oh, and Garrett?"
"We may not be together now, but if we're meant to be, we will be together no matter what." she said. "Bye, Garrett."
"Bye, Louren." I said, kissing her forehead. I heard her whisper "I love you" and I whispered it back. I turned to the cooler nearest to me and got a beer, and headed out back. But before I did, I turned back to check on her, and I saw her alone, looking at the ground, and her fingers wrapped around the pendant of the necklace. And that always meant something.

I love her, I know I do. And I know that we will be back together again. Not now, but in the future. And I love her so much to let her experience happiness through other things and people. After all, true love waits.
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Sort of my take on Like We Used To by A Rocket to the Moon. :)