Eighteen Reasons Why


Because of the tiny dimples in your cheeks when you smile at me, and the way your eyes shine behind your glasses. Because of the way your laughter catches in your throat when you’re trying not to cry. Because seeing you cry feels so wrong in every possible way. Because of the way I never, ever want you to stop laughing because it’s the most beautiful sound in the world. Because of the look in your eyes when I tell you you’re beautiful, like you don’t quite believe me but you want to.

Because of the insults you throw at me with that fond look of amusement in your eyes, like you’re trying to figure me out but you’re not sure what you’re seeing. Because I never run out of things to say to you and you never get tired of talking to me. Because you put up with me when no one else will and want me around when no one else does. Because you notice when I’m smiling too hard so I don’t burst into tears. Because you hold my hand like it’s natural and hook your arm in mine like we were born that way, attached at the hip.

Because being with you feels like coming home. Because your hugs are the best medicine and the only thing that gets me through the day, sometimes. Because you know me better than anyone else in the world and that doesn’t scare me nearly as much as it should. Because of the way you make me feel alive when I’m with you, like I can be anything and anyone and it wouldn’t matter because you wouldn’t mind. Because you made me better, you made me happy, you fixed something I never realised was broken.

Because I never meant to.

Because I can’t help it.

Because of you.