Status: Unpaused!

The "Z" Word


Slater pulled the sleeve of her shirt up to get a better look at the wound in her arm. The bullet was lodged in there, but it wasn't too deep. She'd still need stitches though. She cleaned away the blood before pouring antiseptic over the wound to prevent an infection. Then she found a scalpel and cleansed that as well. "Give me your belt," she said to Daryl.


"So I have something to bite down on, duh!"

Wordlessly, he unfastened the belt and took it off. She folded it over and bit down on it before sticking the scalpel into her arm and digging the bullet out. Then she threaded a needle and began stitching her arm up. Once she was finished she wrapped it in gauze and gave Daryl back his belt. "How'd you know what to do?"

"Well, it was rather obvious what needed to be done, but I was a med student before all of this. I was actually supposed to graduate next month, and then you'd be calling me Doctor." She smiled which made him smile back.

They could hear noise outside and Daryl walked over to the window. He peeked through the blinds, "Looks like we have company," he said.

"What do you mean?" she asked, jumping up from the table where she'd been sitting and walking over to the window to join him. She peered through the blinds to see their pursuers.


The two trucks rolled to a stop and the twelve men got out. "Find them!" Kato shouted. "Look everywhere."

"But sir," one said, it was the same one that had cut Daryl from the rope trap. "What about walkers. It's dangerous to be out here at night."

"The only danger here, is us!" Kato told him.

There was muttering amongst the group and they spread out in pairs to search for Daryl and Slater. Kato stayed by the trucks, a gun in hand and ready to shoot anything that appeared.


"We're trapped in here," Slater said.

"We'll be fine. We just need to find somewhere to hide." He grabbed her hand and led her to the door, "Come on." They left the room and headed to the back of the building. There was a small supply closet and Daryl opened the door, practically shoving Slater inside. "Stay here. I'm going to go watch the doors."

"I can help you," Slater objected.

"You're injured. You need to stay here."

Slater frowned but didn't move as Daryl shut the door. He walked to the front entrance, and hid, waiting for anyone to walk through the doors. Slater waited a few minutes before emerging from the closet. She wasn't going to be told what to do. And injury or not, she knew she could help if Daryl needed it.

They waited for what seemed like hours, but no one ever came in. Slater walked up to Daryl, startling him when she whispered his name. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice low as well.

"I want to be able to help you if you need me to."

He sighed, "Okay. I don't think they're coming in here anytime soon."

Slater peaked out the window, "Do you think they know we're in here?"

"I doubt it."

"What if they do? They could be setting a trap for us, waiting for us to come outside."

"If that's the case, then we'll just stay in here."

Slater walked over to a small reception desk and started rummaging through the drawers.

"What are you doing?" Daryl asked.

"Looking for change. If we're going to be stuck in here, we're going to need something to eat, and there's vending machines over there," she nodded to the corner of the room where a soda machine and a snack machine stood by themselves.