Status: Unpaused!

The "Z" Word


"These Cheetos are stale," Daryl said before putting one in his mouth.

Slater nodded, "Yeah...and the Pepsi is flat."

"Beggars can't be choosers though, right."

"Right." There was silence while they ate their snacks and sat on the very small hospital bed together. Slater got up to throw away the empty Pepsi bottle and glanced out the window, the cannibals were still out there. "Do you think they know we're in here?"

Daryl shrugged, "Maybe."

"Maybe they're waiting for us to come out there. We're outnumbered anyways, and even though we have more arrows than there are of them, if they're firing back, there's no way we'd get away."

"I'm sure the others have figured out where we are, and are on their way to look for us."

"We're still outnumbered. Besides, Carol and Lori probably stayed with the kids. My father is delusional and will be no help. Glenn is smart, but he doesn't seem like the fighter type, and Dale is kind of old. And Merle only has one hand. So that leave Rick, Shane, T.Dog, and Andrea. There's twelve cannibals, at least."

"You don't have much faith in people."

Slater frowned. Daryl patted the bed next to him and she sat back down. She leaned back against the bed and sighed. "I thought I would get old and die, or that I would piss someone off and they'd kill me. I didn't think I'd ever starve to death in a hospital hiding from cannibals....or be on a cannibal's menu."

Daryl laughed, "They wouldn't eat you. Even if you weren't pretty, there's no meat on your bones. You have stick arms and legs."

"I do not!"

"Yes you do. You're like a life size stick drawing."

"You are so mean."

Daryl chuckled and put his arm around her shoulders, "I'm only teasing you. You have lovely arms and legs."

Slater grinned and looked at him. "I don't know if it's because of the comfort I feel with you, or the fear that I'm not going to live through the night, but I feel a need to kiss you."

Daryl smiled and leaned forward, pressing his lips to hers.


"What's the plan?" T.Dog asked.

"We're outnumbered, so we have to be smart. And we have to be careful and fast. We don't have crossbows, so the gunshots are going to draw nearby walkers, which means we have to get rid of them, and get Daryl and Slater and get away before we're swarmed," Rick said.

"We still don't even know that they're in there," Glenn said.

"Then one of us will have to walk up to them, and make sure."

"I'll do it," Shane said.

"Are you sure?"

Shane nodded. He'd felt like crap ever since the night at the CDC when he came onto Lori and she pushed him away. Granted, he'd been drunk that night, but it was still stupid. Rick was his best friend, and all the feelings he had for Lori needed to be forgotten. Hopefully, doing this would redeem him some, even though everything that had transpired was only known to him and Lori.

Glenn set up a plan, just like he had when they were trying to retrieve the guns Rick had dropped in Atlanta. It would have worked perfectly if it hadn't of been for the hostiles, who turned out to not be quite so hostile after all. It was survival of the fittest. They had seen unclaimed guns, and needed them. They scattered in the darkness, finding their positions before Shane walked right up to the cannibals.

As soon as Kato seen him he grinned. It was a sickening grin that made his stomach turn, as well as Andrea's, Rick's, and Merle's, who were all close enough to see.