Status: Unpaused!

The "Z" Word


"What can we do for you?" Kato asked, already having thoughts about how to cook Shane. He was outnumbered, and would be easy to take down.

"I'm looking for a couple of friends. They went out earlier today and haven't made it back yet." Shane described Slater and Daryl to Kato, "You wouldn't of happened to see them, would you of?"

"We might have seen a couple of people that fit that description." Kato glanced at the tall man with the black hair and beard, "Nash, did you see a couple of people that looked like that?"

Nash gave the same sickening grin and said, "Yeah, I think so."

"Well, you wouldn't happen to know where they are now, would you?" Shane asked.

"It doesn't matter where they are, because you're not going to see them again." Kato gave Nash a signal and Nash aimed his crossbow at Shane. Before he could fire, a gunshot rang out through the air, and Nash fell down dead.


"What was that?" Slater asked, pulling away from Daryl's kiss.

"It sounded like a gun, let me check." He got up and pulled his clothes on quickly. He walked over to the window and peeked outside while Slater got dressed as well. "Looks like our rescue party is here."

Slater walked over to the window as well to see the cannibals falling dead one by one. A mystery assailant hidden somewhere in the darkness. Then she seen a very familiar face with Kato's arm wrapped around his neck. Shane was struggling against him to get free, but Kato was much bigger and stronger. Rick walked up out of the darkness, the others following behind him. "We have to help them," Slater said, grabbing her crossbow and leaving the room.

Daryl followed quickly behind her.


Kato was the last of his group left standing. Everyone else was dead, or laying on the ground dying. "Let him go," Rick said.

"Why?" Kato asked. He put his gun to Shane's temple, "Why shouldn't I just kill him now?"

"Do you really think that's a good idea? It'll be pointless. You'll never get away, you're outnumbered now." The moaning of the walkers could be heard in the darkness. They were getting close, fast. "The way I see it, you have one of two choices, shoot him, then I shoot you. Or, let go of him, and you might get away before the walkers get here."

Kato opened his mouth to answer, but an arrow impaled him in the middle of his forehead before sound could escape his lips. The group turned around and seen Slater standing there, her crossbow still aimed at where Kato had been standing. Daryl stood behind her. "You killed him," Paulo said. Slater wasn't sure of the emotion in her crazy father's voice.

"I had to," she said simply, "He was going to eat me....well, he was going to eat Daryl, but he was eventually going to eat me." The walkers could now be seen, "We gotta run!" Their eight rescuers ran to the vehicles and Daryl and Slater headed for the motorcycles. Considering how far they were from the house, they would be able to lose the walkers before they even reached the half-way mark.