Status: Unpaused!

The "Z" Word


It was another one of those days when Slater kept herself locked in her room, reading her grandmother's old books. When she finally started to get hungry, she headed downstairs. Shane, T.Dog, Daryl, Andrea, Rick, Lori, Carl, and Sophia were outside enjoying the end of summer. Everyone else was gathered around the TV watching a movie. Slater glanced at the group as she walked into the kitchen. She could see everyone else outside through the kitchen window, but she was only looking at one person in particular. Daryl. She was angry at him, as well as herself. So what if she had a crush on him. It didn't matter. The end of the world wasn't the right time to be falling for anyone.

She sighed and turned her back to the window. As she rummaged through the fridge for something to eat she could hear shouts coming from outside. They weren't the same as before. The muffled laughter that could be heard through the walls was gone. Their voices sounded panicked. Slater ran out of the kitchen, the others had noticed the changes too and had gotten up to see what was going on.

Slater headed for the front door, and as soon as she reached out to grab the handle, it was thrown open by Shane who was rushing everyone inside. "Gather everything you can!" Rick was saying as he stepped through the threshold. "We have company."

Slater slipped between him and Shane to look outside. She looked up the driveway. A walker was headed for them. Behind him were two more, and a little further back five more. The further back she could see, the higher the number of walkers seemed to grow. They must have been from the city, finally found their way there after a couple of days. She stood in shock for a moment. This house was supposed to be safe. It was too far from civilization for the walkers to find them. Where would they go now?

A hand grabbed Slater's arm and yanked her back inside, the door slammed shut behind her. Slater looked at the hand on her. Her eyes moved up the muscular, bare arm that was currently coated in a thin layer of sweat from being in the sun. Her eyes moved even higher, up to Daryl's face. "Don't touch me!" she said a little louder than intended as she jerked her arm from his grip. "I'm allergic to fingers," she quickly added.

His eye brows pushed together as he stared at her with confusion and wonder. She was such an odd person, and he was starting to believe she really was a compulsive liar, even though she had claimed that being one had been the actual lie. "Pack your things," he said, once he gained his senses one more. "Grab anything that's needed. We need to get out of here quickly."

Rick had been telling everyone else the same thing. Everyone ran around the house in a frenzy, trying to get whatever they could that would be essential to their survival. It was like being in a mad house, one where the patients were in charge. When they finally gathered what was needed in multiple bags everyone grabbed a weapon, and with Rick in front, they prepared to head for the vehicles.

"We're going to have to drive through them," Rick said, "So everyone be careful, drive fast, and don't stop." He opened the door just enough to see how close the walkers had gotten. He shut it back. "On the count of three. One, two, THREE!" On three he threw the door all the way open and they ran.

By some miracle, they all managed to get to the vehicles safely. As the other vehicles started down the road, Slater was having difficulties getting the Camaro to start. When it finally did, she started down the road at the end of the caravan, behind Daryl and Merle.

The walkers swarmed the vehicles, but they pushed through them, all except the Camaro. It died as the walkers surrounded it. They climbed on top of the car, on the hood, on the back. They beat at the windows. The sounds of their moans filled Slater's ears and she couldn't think straight as she tried to load the crossbow. She'd never be able to kill all of them. Her and Paulo would be eaten alive by these things right there in the car. She screamed as the passenger window was broken and a walker grabbed Paulo by the collar of his shirt. She shot it, and it fell, dead. However, his hand still clung to the fabric of the shirt. Another walker reached inside the broken window, but Slater couldn't get her crossbow loaded in time.

The undead woman grabbed Paulo and pulled him half out of the window. Slater could see the blood fall down his chest as the female walker bit into his shoulder. She screamed again when she felt an arm wrap around her and she was pulled from the car completely.