Status: Unpaused!

The "Z" Word

Catching Up

Everyone was asleep except for Daryl and Merle. Daryl stared at Slater draped across the chair. Her crossbow was in one hand, and the neck of an almost empty beer bottle was in the other hand. He stared at her legs, they were long and slender. "Daryl!" Merle snapped him out of the trance-like state he had fallen in. "She catches you starin' at her like that and she might gouge yer eyes out," Merle told him.

"What makes you say that?"

"'Cause that's what she told me."

Daryl smirked and looked at his brother, "Why didn't you stay and wait for me? You're my brother, you know I wouldn't leave you behind."

"I know...I was so hot. And I could see the walkers behind the door, trying to get in. I could see their faces and their hands trying to claw past the chain. I thought....I thought God was punishing me for all the things I've done wrong. I thought I was going to die before you could even find out I had been left."

Daryl sat there silent.

"Do you hate me?" Merle asked.

"Of course not, you're my brother. We're family. Of all the people here, I know at least you would have my back if anything happened."

Merle smiled, it was nice having his brother back. He glanced at Slater, "So are we really going to follow her out to her grandparents' place?"

Daryl shrugged, "I don't see why not. We don't have anywhere else to go."

Merle glanced at the rest of the people in the room asleep. He didn't trust any of them, and he didn't want to be around any of them. But he needed somewhere safe to go, and if it meant having to get along with them, he'd do his best. "At least if we go with her, I think we'll be pretty safe. After all, it's not every day a girl walks up behind you and threatens to put an arrow in yer brain if ya don't give her one reason not to."

"You heard that?" Daryl asked, raising one eyebrow.

Merle looked at Daryl confused. He hadn't heard anything that had transpired between him and Slater. He could hear the voices, but he couldn't tell what had been said, he just thought one of the voices was familiar. "That's what she said to me when she found me. Stuck the point of her crossbow against my head and told me to give her one reason why she shouldn't put an arrow through my brain."

Daryl smiled, "That's what she said to me." He paused for a moment, "I wonder if she says that to everyone she meets."

"She thought I was infected, and she thought you might've been hostile."

Daryl chuckled and got up to throw his beer bottle away. Afterwards, he and Merle went to bed. They were all getting up early in the morning to start the trip to the river house. Merle was surprised that Daryl hadn't been abandoned the way he was. Of course, Daryl was the best hunter, so that would give them incentive to keep him around.