Status: Unpaused!

The "Z" Word

How is He?

Slater walked into the RV, there was a slight limp in her walk, but she was able to handle it. She forced herself to not let a tear come to her eyes when she seen T.Dog lying on the small cot. Sweat coated his skin from the fever the infection caused. His eyes were closed, but the labored rising and falling of his chest let her know he was still alive. She pulled open the small fridge to grab a bottle of water. It creaked slightly on it's hinges and T.Dog opened his eyes. "How's your....foot?" he managed to get out.

"Fine. How are you feeling?"

"I've had better days."

Slater offered him a gentle smile, it was a weak smile. No one could really be happy at this one except Merle. T.Dog returned the smile. "Can I get you anything?"

He barely lifted his arm to point at the hand towel lying on the counter.

Without saying a word, Slater grabbed it and handed it to him.

"Thanks." He dabbed at the sweat on his face.

"Dinner's almost finished. I'll bring you a plate."

T.Dog shook his head. "Don't bother."

"Are you sure?"

He gave a slight nod.

Slater gave him another soft smile and turned to leave the RV.

"Slater!" he called when she grasped the door knob.


"Will you ask Daryl and Merle to come here....I wanna talk to them while I still have a chance."

Slater nodded and pushed the door open. She seen Daryl and Merle leaning up against the truck and she walked over to them. "How is he?" Daryl asked, trying not to sound too concerned.

"Who cares?" Merle shot. "He's only gettin paybacks fer leavin' me up on that roof."

Slater and Daryl both sighed.

"He's still lucid," she said, looking only at Daryl, despite that she was talking to both of them. "He wants to talk to the two of you."

Slater watched as Daryl's jaw tensed slightly and his eyes fell to the ground. The expression on his face was one of deep thought. Whatever thoughts were going through his mind were interrupted when Merle spat, "I don't give a damn what he wants." Merle uncrossed his arms and walked towards the small fire to take one of the empty seats near Dale.

Slater raised one eyebrow at Daryl, wondering whether or not he was going to go over to sit by his brother or go talk to T.Dog.

Finally, Daryl let out a sigh, and started towards the RV. Slater watched, curious as to what would pass between the two men.