Status: On break for a bit

Diary of a Disordered

November 9, 2010

I'm such a failure. Yesterday as soon as I got home I started eating. I had four bowls of cereal and a plate of cheese and crackers, which was easily over 1000 calories, and then I had chicken, peas and potatoes with butter, and apples with caramel. Even worse I kept it down.

My mom said she had cleaned my toilet. So we had to talk, and I told her I hadn't purged since the last time we talked. She seemed to believe me and told me she was proud. I know I should feel bad about lying to her and her being proud when she shouldn't, but I don't. I'm just happy I didn't get in trouble.

This morning I planned on skipping, but I screwed up and ate 2 bowls of cereal, easily over 500 calories.