Status: On break for a bit

Diary of a Disordered

December 17, 2010

Jason, the trainer, still hasn't gotten back to me, but I'm already scared I'll get in trouble. I looked him up on google, and the only result was a 44 year old guy in MN. I know I shouldn't start training with a stranger, but if he can help me...

Yesterday I took a shower right after dinner. As soon as I was about to get in, my mom pounded on my door. She's suspicious, but she didn't say anything. So she either believes me or is giving up, who knows?

In RST, we had a party and I had a plate full of food but I purged. I'll have to keep down cheese enchiladas for dinner. I'm already at 97 :(

If I don't train with Jason (completely naked pictures and all) Brecken will be punished. She would have to stab herself with a knife. She promised me that she'd quit if it ever got that serious, but just in case I agreed I would send pictures if I had to. She talked to him on the phone, and she said he sounded young.
I don't want to disappoint him! He has control and power to make me thin, he deserves my respect.