
A Small Chat With Mikey

(A/N People’s thoughts will now be italicized, to make it easier. =] )

He was standing there casually, talking to I believe Mikey.
I pulled in to a spot slowly. He looked up, and stopped talking mid-sentence.
He stared at me for what I thought was the longest time; I stared back and casually turned off the roaring engine. Mikey nudged Gerard in the ribs, breaking our stare.
I sighed and stepped out of the car, grabbing my bag from the backseat.
Terrific, I have to walk right past them to get to my first class.
I closed my door, and made sure I locked it. Working up the courage, I finally was able to move my legs to walk by Mikey and Gerard.
“Hey.” Mikey said as I walked by.
What? Did he just talk to me? Say something!
“Oh, hello.” I smiled.
Gerard attempted to smile, but it came out more as a half grin.

I really don’t get this! What’s wrong with me? Why is it that he won’t talk to me or make any sort of contact with me at all?
I shook my head as these thoughts went through my head.
I took my normal seat near the back of the room, but this time, I felt the presence of someone sit next to me.
I turned my head to see Mikey sitting there. Since when is he in my class?
“I know what you’re thinking. Since when am I in your class right?” He laughed.
Come on! Say something! Anything!
“Actually yeah.” I smiled. I’m starting to think this kid can reads minds because he just quoted my exact thoughts!
“Well, I’m just going to cut to the chase.” He sighed. “I think it would be best for, well, everyone, if you stayed away from Gerard.”
I gave him a weird look. “What do you mean? I never talk to him. I think he’s scared of me.” Shit! I should not have said that last part aloud!
Mikey laughed. “No, he’s not scared of you. But, I still think you should not have any contact with him at all.”
“Why?” I asked curiously.
Mikey looked down. “I can’t answer that question, but please, just trust me.” He said as he got up and quickly waltzed out of the classroom.
I sighed as the teacher started to give a lecture about god’s knows what. But I wasn’t paying attention at all, I was thinking about what Mikey had said to me. What is he talking about, and why can’t I be around Gerard?
My thoughts were broken by the sound of the bell.
“And don’t forget, there’s a paper due Monday!” The teacher reminded us as we all filed out of the classroom.
Shit, I forgot about that paper!
I was too busy cursing my self for forgetting about the huge paper I had to write to notice whom I sat down next to in my next class.


I would like some readers and comments on my new story Kill This Venom From My Heart! It makes me sad that no one is reading it =/