Status: Will continue, if you comment

I Know What You Are



Sparta and I finally caught up with Torolf, and he was not a pretty sight. I suddenly realized he was a new werewolf. This would explain why his changing was so violent. He was shaking like crazy and his expression looked murderous. I was quite new, myself, but I had better control than that.

This wasn’t going to be a good time to discuss anything, but it couldn’t wait. This was going to be more work than we thought, we shouldn’t have accepted him so early without asking any questions. He couldn’t yet control his instincts to kill and devour any human in his path. The question would be, would he be willing to change to animals? Humans were the more appetizing of the two, but that was selfish and monstrous. But that’s basically the definition of werewolves. The feelings of humanity and guilt came later in the process, unfortunately.

Sigourney found me and held me back from killing anyone (In which I'm entirely grateful), before I learned my self control. I learned how to be human again. Its a good thing I was a fast learner, because I was sure I could trounce her easily now.

“Torolf, what was that?” Sparta asked. Torolf looked behind himself, still looking way too worked up.

“I didn’t mean too! It was an accident!" He said, his eyes were open wide and his chest was rising and falling fast. Did we know how that felt.
Sigourney suddenly ran out from the side of the woods.

“Guys, we have a problem, Pamela saw me.” She said. Oh no, not another problem.

“So now not only did Maktaou attack someone, but a girl from our class saw you dragging away her body, and might of possibly seen you as a wolf, great!” Sparta yelled again.

“Shut up! Stop screaming.” Sigourney yelled back. We were all on edge from the adrenaline of being the monsters we were, just before.

“What are we going to do about this?” I said. “We know she’s going to tell everybody that we’re werewolves, we attacked her best friend.” They all looked at each other.

“We’re going to have to dispose of her too. I know you all are thinking it.” The traitor said.

“NO!” I yelled. “More violence isn’t going to make anything better!” I looked at my friend, but they showed no signs of agreeing.

“Listen, he has a point.” Sparta admitted, looking ashamed.

“He does not!” I shouted again, fuming. My muscles tightened instinctively and my hands drew up in fists.

“We have to protect the pack.” Maktaou said, his eyes barrowing and his teeth showing.

“You don’t have any say here! You’ve been a part of this for less than two weeks! This is all your fault!” I snarled, stepping closer, my jaw twitching, aching to tear him apart. The thought of hurting another innocent girl. A classmate. The one who worried for my safety, just last full moon. I looked to Sigourney. She shrugged.

“We can talk about this, you’re getting to worked up.” She said, looking overly upset herself.

“You’re going to listen to him? Have a heart! She has a family!” I growled, they should be ashamed. Maktaou looked furious.

“Maybe I’ve only been here for less than two weeks, but I’m sure as heck not going to throw away our lives for one little human.” He said, getting agitated as well.

“You don’t even know what you’re talking about! You’re not an Alpha!” I said, not caring about how worked up I was getting.

“This isn’t about you, and we need to hunt her now, or it will be too late.” He said furiously, ignoring me.

Deep growls were coming out of the pit of my chest and vibrating my lungs. I couldn’t help myself, it was to hard to obey my self-control. I felt Sigourney trying to pull me back, her screaming. The moon was in full view, no longer behind the large gray cloud it was behind before. Much easier to not obey. It was too late to stop me.

My lungs broke our in a roar and I was the beast again, the transformation still painful. I snarled threateningly. Sparta and Sigourney backed away quickly.
I immediately leaped for him, slashing him across the chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wish someone would read this. If they are, I would appreciate comments!