Bandit Lee Way in Her First Year of a New School

People are strange.

"That's a cool Name." said Lily and Cherry as they looked at Bandit.

"Thanks Lily and Cherry." then Bandit sat next to both of them and looked at her teacher, one of them was sitting with the group of 8 in a table, 6 in the others and 9 on the other.

"Teacher Judy?" she looked at Judy and Judy looked at her back smiling.

"Yes Bandit?" she smiled.

"Can I draw later?" Bandit looked at Judy.

"Sure you can." Judy smiled.

"Okay Teacher Judy." Bandit had a tiny smile, it was snack time.

"Okay well everyone let's have a snack." the whole bunch of kids faces lit up.

"Okay Teacher!" they all smiled.

"Well we have apples and cereal." Judy said as she smiled.

"What kind of cereal teacher Judy?" Bandit looked at Judy.

"Oh Rice Krispies." smiled Judy and she looked at Bandit again.

"Oh I like that kind of cereal." Bandit stated in joy.

"Oh that's good well sit in the seat that has your name." she took Bandit to her seat, Bandit sat in a chair and looked at a girl.

"You're a dumbass stupid head." Bandit laughed and the girl looked at Bandit.

"I'm not that, I'm telling." the girl frowned.

"No don't tell I won't say it again." Bandit lied but in a good way.

"I'm still telling if you do it again." the girl frowned.

"Fine I won't do it again." Bandit looked at Judy.

"Well Bandit, want any milk in your cereal?" Judy smiled at Bandit politely.

"Yes please Teacher Judy." Bandit grinned at her teacher and the teacher gave Bandit her cereal back then after eating everyone had to play.

"Yay drawing!" smiled the little 6 year old girl, a boy pushed Bandit down.

"Ow that hurts." frowned Bandit.

"Hahahaha you got hurt." the boy laughed and walked away, Bandit was crying, she saw her teacher was busy cleaning dishes then another teacher was in the teachers room on their break and the other was going to go to the restroom, Bandit went to play with toys but a girl that she swore at took them all.

"Hey those are my toys!" frowned Bandit.

"Who cares, I sure as hell don't." laughed the mean girl.

"Well your dad fucks you in the face." Bandit was pouting.

"You're a dumbass." the girl walked away then Bandit went to a desk and started to draw a picture, she drew a picture of her family then drew a picture of the school and showed her teacher.

"Those are good pictures!" smiled Judy excited about Bandit drawing like her father.

"Thank you Teacher Judy." the little girl smiled.