Status: I have many ideas for this story so I might have weekly updates for this.

Supernaturally Charmed

A Witchy Life

Living life as a witch has it's many advantage and disadvantages...

For one you can move furniture with your mind without getting tired with telekinesis. Look out for danger beforehand with premonition. And pause everything if you just need a breather. My sisters have these powers, one for each may I add, but for me, Passion Halliwell, have them all and much, much more. (Except Phoebe's power of premonition . Thank Heavens though! I don't like seeing the future, I like surprises.)

At first we were all shocked because I got Prue and Piper's powers (Except Phoebe's, Of course) and not just only that. I develop new powers over time. Kinda cool but still, I have to be responsible for these powers and learn to control them. After all with great power comes great responsibility. (Especially for my "MAIN" power)

Once I lost control though I almost set fire to the kitchen (I was training my pyrokinesis by popping popcorn with me producing fire.) So whenever I train my powers I go Outside, in the forest, the magical part of the forest, my sanctuary, with talking animals. Yes, talking animals.

Even when I was little I actually liked coming there and talk to the squirells. They had a British accent actually. But then Grandma made us forget our powers after mom died. She also erased Sam and Dean's memories of seeing me with powers and replaced instead of playing in the swingset in our backyard.

We got it after a while though. When Phoebe read the invocation spell from the Book Of Shadows. We not only got our powers, but also our memories. Sam and Dean too. They checked on us after a few days from hunting. They were kinda confused actually and wanted us to confirm that we were witches. After all, the memories came from a dream and you cant trust dreams that much can you?

Life has never been the same after that, but in a good way. Sure there were the occasional visits from unwanted guests butt I guess that's part of being a Charmed-One, you also became a Hunted-One.

But even as witches we can't say that we know everything about the Supernatural so we asked Sam and Dean about it. It took some time to convince them to teach us their "hunter-stuff" but when we were attacked by a vampire one night and took the Book Of Shadows they happily obliged to teach us.

After that though I was fascinated by their lives that I practically begged them to take me with them. They refused at frist but then I pointed out how much I could help them out with my powers and I was finished with school so they finally agreed.

That's how I met Bobby.

He treated as if I was his own daughter when we stayed with him for a little while. I, in return treated him as my own father because after mom died, Dad just left us but still I really want to see him and tell him alll about my life, my first crush, my first science fair award etc.

I told them to Bobby instead though. But I ain't complaining because he listened and I was grateful for that.

Anyway back with my travels with Sam and Dean. I was with them for 2 years after that they took me back home because they got scared if the demons start to recognize me, then that might put me in danger. (We only encountered one demon though but that was enough for them to take me home.)

It was with a heavy heart that we parted but it was all for the best. It wasn't just my safety I was risking, it was also my sister's safety. The demons might come for them and kill them and I could'nt risk that. Even if we put protective charms around us theey still might get through and besides we also can't raise suspicion around the neighbors.

They do try to visit often though, Sam and Dean. Especially on holidays. We were all like brothers and sisters already and we liked it if they spend the holidays wth us.

They were the big brothers I never had. I actually really like it when they get all protective with me even if I'm just a few years younger. Makes me feel loved.

It's almost Christmas actually, Sam and Dean usually stays with us at December 1. Of course we put protective charms around the house in case of demons and other beings.

I wonder what time they will be here?

Hey is that their car pulling up the driveway?

It is.

I'd recognize that '67 Chevy Impala anywhere.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, this is how they forgot their powers. As you can see, Passion doesn't have Phoebe's power but that will be explained in the later series. Also her "MAIN" power will be revealed after a couple of chapters. Castiel won't show up until Dean comes back from hell. And that wouldn't take too long I hope. Also just want to say Passion is third of the siblings and Phoebe is still younger than her. I'm going to make Phoebe, say 19, I don't know her real age and I hate to do math so she's 19, Prue is say 27 and Piper is 24. I really don't know their ages but hey it's my story I can make a few alterations. Also I don't own Charmed or Supernatural, if I do why would I be making A FANfiction right? But I own Passion though