Status: 158 words.

It Didn't Last



They were two different people. This thing they had would never last.

Scott loved the outdoors and appreciated nature, whilst Jane couldn’t careless. Jane cared more about a new pair of shoes than saving the trees. Jane only wanted somebody, she felt alone. There was no spark or common interest between them; except for wanting someone. It was the feelings they felt that drove them together.

He was handsome and she was pretty, they tolerated each other at the beginning but now were a different story. They were just meant to keep away from one another, end of. Scott was now strumming his old acoustic guitar staring up at the bright blue sky, it reminded him of her eyes; he sighed angrily.

Jane placed her several shopping bags which consisted of clothes; makeup and her personal favourite shoes near her walnut coloured wardrobe. The colour reminded her of his old acoustic guitar; she sighed sadly.