Freaky Romance

Eyes wide open

‘Alright, what is the plan today.’ Gerard thought to himself. ‘ I have to call my mom, get some food, get some new make up, and perform. I might as well start. What time is it?’ He thought to himself with his eyes closed still after waking up. He then smelled the scent of bacon and opened his eyes to see a bedroom with bright colored walls, and a big orange and while cat sleeping on his feet. “What the hell?” he said out loud. “What’s going on? Where the fuck am I? ”What the fuck is wrong with my voice?”. He then got out of the bed and took his first steps on the clothes covered wooden floor. As soon as he opened the door he saw a hallway and a stairwell. He walked down the hallway and saw a bathroom. Once inside he closed the door, did his business and went to the mirror. What he was not expecting to see was a girl around 20 with long black hair, that he could feel was extensions, brown eyes, and on the average weight size. He just stood there looking at her, scared, confused, worried, shocked, he couldn’t move. Then out of nowhere he scared and fell to the floor. He heard running and footsteps coming up the steps. Then a girl with short light brown hair came into the bathroom.

“What’s wrong Carrie?” she asked. He just sat there thinking. ‘ I can’t tell her, she will think this Carrie girl has gone crazy. I have to play it cool. What would make me scream?’ “I saw a spider.” Carrie said. “Since when are you that afraid of spiders?” The girl around the same age asked. “Since I had a nightmare of them last night.” “Ok, well, get dressed you have class in an hour, and your mom called, she wants you to come home for dinner tonight, oh and you can barrow the shirt you were talking about last night, it’s in my bedroom on my bed.” “Oh, ok, thanks.” “Yup, I made us breakfast since you made it yesterday. It will be waiting for you on the counter.” “Ok, thanks again.” “It’s the least I can do, you did let me come live with you since Andy and I broke up 2 days ago. Just next time, go to bed in your bed and not on the dinning room table, it was hard getting you into your room.” “Ok, I will, and not a problem, I’m glad you came and started living here.” She then smiled and left him to his thoughts.

‘Phone, phone I need a phone. Where is there a phone?’ he thought. “Ah ha!” Gerard said out loud. * Ring* *ring * Ring *. “Pick up, pick up PICK UP!” he screamed into the phone until he heard a familiar voice. His voice.

“Hello?” A sleepy Gerard answered.
“Open you eyes and listen up.” Gerard replied back.
“Just do it.”
“What the…. What’s going on” He heard himself say.
“Listen. I don’t know how this happen, and I don’t know who you are, why this happen and what to do, but I am you, and you are me.” Gerard said
“And who am I?” Carrie asked
“Gerard Way.”
“What?!?!?! Are you serious? This can’t be happening.”

“Dude, what happen? Why are you screaming?” She heard a guy ask from the bunk next to her.

“Don’t you dare tell him. They will think I went crazy. Just play cool. We need to work this out and figure this out on our own.” Gerard said to Carrie.

“Um, mom is just trying to cook something new.” Carrie said
“Oh, ok, well tell her to try to make a new pizza.” She heard the voice again and recognized it to be Mikey’s. She then heard him passed out again.”

“Carrie, your new roommate just filled me in on a little, but I need to know where I am and we need to meet up. Now.” Gerard said.
“Yeah, well you’re in New Jersey, and I agree. When and where.” She said
“ You come home. I can’t go to the bus the guys will flip.”
“Great plan, but people will see me and know who I am.”
“ Put on your sunglasses and hood and get over here.”
“Ok, I will, but you need to go to the school.”
“No way, I don’t know where it is, and I’m guessing you’re in college. They don’t care if you show up or not.”
“Fine, just fine. It’s my last year anyway.”
“See you when I get there.”

So Carrie aka Gerard got up and called a cab. She saw that she was only about a half hour away from her apartment. ‘I guess they did a show here last night’. She thought to herself. ‘Figures I didn’t know about it. Why would I get to see my favorite band live. Not with my school and work that needs to be done’. She then got out of the cab and walked up to the door. *Knock * *knock * * knock *. As the door opened all she saw was herself looking at herself and she couldn’t move. She couldn’t believe that this happen to her.