Status: new

The Only Hope for Me Is You

I Stared As This Moment Was Held For Me (Electronic Joker)

“We can’t…not now.” Mikey spoke quietly, still gripping my hand. I glance back inside the room, she looks so weak, so fragile, her face is so vacant from the drugs she probably has no idea where she is, just pain. She won’t last if we just leave her.

We both jump as we hear gun shots from the direction we came from and turn, scrambling for our guns aiming them at the gunshot which turns out to be a wave of Dracs all marching towards us in rows of four, guns cocked, some already firing as we dodge laser beams bulleting towards us.

“There’s no way we can take all of them.” Says Mikey, shooting off a couple in the front four, leaving just two but his head hangs slightly as two others take their places.

“Shit…” Taking my hand again, he pulls me the opposite direction, and we run, occasionally shooting behind us to spare us time to get to safety. I’m continuously looking through door windows to find Exploder, but I just see nothing but more Killjoys.

Killjoy after Killjoy runs past my eyes as I cross the doors, it sickens me. All of them being used for experiments. Why were they doing this?

Then I see him.

Exploder is in the room I just passed, laying on a clean white bed, hooked up to some sort of support machine.

I stop. I just stop, and Mikey is forced to stop and turns to me, still trying to pull me towards a room in front of us which he is already stood inside of, but I’m on the other side. I let go of his hand and run towards the door I saw Exploder in.

“Lauren!” I hear a loud slam and turn back to see that Mikey has been locked inside of the room, I panic, looking back at the Dracs nearing me and then run towards the room Mikey is locked in, banging on the door violently.

“MIKEY! MIKEY OPEN UP!” I shout, I feel my eyes watering up. “PLEASE!” I hear nothing. “FUCK!” I slam my palms onto the door in frustration and upset.

I turn back to the oncoming Dracs, I shoot a few down but they are just replaced by others again, they are prepared. Too prepared. I kick the door with my foot.

“Mikey…” I plead, leaning against the door, slowly sinking to the floor, closing my eyes, preparing for the oncoming death. I stay there for a couple of minutes, not sure whether I’m dead or alive. I gulp and finally brave to open my eyes, there are Dracs scattered everywhere, one’s even sprawled across me, twitching slightly and I didn’t even notice.

Someone walks up to me but I don’t take my eyes off of the dying Drac. The figure raises his gun and shoots the Drac clean in the head, it collapses back onto me. I look up to my saviour.

“Frank…” I sigh in relief, he smiles at me but I can sense that there’s something wrong. He kicks the dead Drac off of me, takes me by the hand and hauls me up. I fall straight in to his arms but he is painfully tense and only gives me a quick pat instead of hugging me back.

“What’s happened?” he asks, pulling me by the shoulders away from him, looking around me, “Where’s Mikey?” I turn and look towards the locked room.

“The door closed…I let go of his hand…it’s all my fucking fault.” I step away from Frank and hear him sigh as I turn completely towards the door and press my hands against it.

“Joker!” I hear Cyanide run up behind me, but she stops; I think Frank stopped her with his body language.

“FUCK!” I scream, kicking the door and sinking to the floor again, sobbing hard. Frank approaches me from behind.

“They took Ray and Gerard too…we have to find them.” He says and I hear him turn and walk back in the direction in which he came from.

“Lauren…” Says Cyanide. She hesitantly puts her hand on my shoulder, and I sniff and turn to her, slamming my back against the door.

“We’ll get them back.” I say, wiping my nose and raising up from against the door.

“We haven’t got long,” she explains as we power walk to catch Frank up, jumping over dead Drac bodies as we do. I scan everywhere we pass in search for our fellow Killjoys, as does Cyanide

“I’m pretty sure the took Mikey with them too...we have to find them quickly or…or…” I hear her trail away, choking up slightly. I feel my eyes tearing up too; I can’t imagine what would happen to them.

I take her hand, squeezing it, she squeezes back and we walk into a room full of monitors and complicated looking computer systems, this must be where they televise from. Frank is standing at a monitor, typing away fast and violently at a keyboard, not looking at it but at the screen of the monitor, eyes wide open in concentration.

He then stops suddenly, his face has dropped and he is staring at the screen, I can’t read his face so I go and look myself, taking Cy with me.

Frank’s managed to hack into the CCTV and we’re all staring at the other three of our gang of Killjoys, unconscious, sprawled out across a white floor, bloody and bruised faces, gagged and bonded. I look around at the others, Frank’s face hasn’t changed and Cy has the same face, tears streaming.

I look back at the screen and I spot something in the corner of the room, placed next to Ray’s foot, it’s an alarm set to 30 minutes.

Wait…no…it’s a bomb.