Status: new

The Only Hope for Me Is You

Watch This World Explode (Cyanide Suicide)

I coaxed the massive group of Scarecrows to come towards me, waving my arms in the air and jumping up and down.

"LOOK AT ME, I'M A TARGET!" I yell, and they all turned their masked heads to look at me, and immediately started marching towards me. I smirked, and turned around to see the others, and point the other directing, telling them to get the fuck out of here; I had a plan, and it was going to work. I turn around again to see the Scarecrows right in front of me, and I jump slightly, before making my way back into the room with the bomb in it, making my way behind the bomb, and letting all the Scarecrows pile in after me like a heard if sheep. I stand there, waiting for all of them to pile in, then I shoot the panel on the door, causing it to slide closed, trapping them inside.

Immediately, they respond to my gunfire, and I had twenty lasers shot at me all at once. I ducked, and managed to dodge them all somehow, and army crawled on my stomach to get behind the table. I tipped it over, making a barricade for myself, and sat behind it, taking a deep breath, putting my banana on. I looked at the bomb. It read :03.

I had three minutes to get out of here alive somehow. I heard the lasers making contact with the steel table, pinging and bouncing around the room. I leaned up and turned around, firing multiple times and taking a few down by shooting them in the face. I took a deep breath, stood up, and ran across the room, dodging the massive gunfire, looking behind me at the wall to see a trail of laser holes in the wall, following me. I ran around the room in circles, firing at the Scarecrows, then used the table as leverage to jump and grab onto the air vent in the ceiling, pulling it down as I fell and threw it at a Scarecrow's head, knocking it clean off from the force of my throw.

I looked up, seeing my only way out; but before I could jump up there again, a Scarecrow grabbed my arms and pinned them behind me. I cried in surprise, and managed to get my foot between its legs and slid my foot, knocking it over, regaining my balance and shooting it in the head. I was grabbed again by yet another Scarecrow, and this time I hurled my upper body forward, throwing it over me from behind my back and throwing it to the ground. I put my foot on its chest, shot it in the head, and turned around and roundhouse kicked another Scarecrow before running back over to the table, jumping on it and grabbing the ledge of the air duct, swinging back and forth, trying to get momentum to push myself into the hole. A Scarecrow tried to grab my leg and pull me down, but I scissor kicked, and made contact with its head, hearing a loud crack as the Scarecrow let go of me and fell down, smacking its head on the table and bouncing off of it onto the ground. I took one last glance at the bomb, which read :01.

"Oh. Fuck." I said, scrambling. Eventually, I used all of my upper body strength to pull myself into the hole, groaning, and made my way down the air duct to get away from the explosion as quick as possible. I heard it beep, followed by a loud, muffled explosion, and I put my hands over my head, feeling the shockwave from the blast fly past my body, shaking the entire air duct. I looked behind me, and saw a flaming fireball coming down the air duct in my direction.

"Aw, fuck me!" I said, scrambling and crawling as fast as I could to overcome the fireball. I looked everywhere for a way to escape it, and found a tiny indent in the air duct wall, and crawled into it, scrunching up into a ball in the cramped space, thanking god I was so small at this point in time. I winced as I felt the heat zoom past, and watched the fire roll past me, hearing the crackling and hissing of the flames. I closed my eyes until everything was silent again, and crawled back into the air duct, praying I was going the right direction.

I laughed at myself as I made my way down the small narrow space; I had just taken out like twenty Scarecrows all by myself.

I could not be more excited to tell the others about this when I met up with them.

This happened sooner than I thought it would, because the next "step" I took in the vent, the floor gave out under me, and I crashed through the ceiling and landed hard on the cold, marble floor about ten feet below.