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Where Spirits Dwell

Chapter Twelve - Lesson One

The world blurred around Jiordano and he realized that he was back in the spiritual realm where he had made his pact with Skylar. It’s strange, peaceful vibe settled over him once again as he began to look around. He wondered if this is where he would go when he died, if so, he didn’t think he’d mind it.

Skylar stood aways from him, she gestured for him to come to her, her thoughts entering into his skull, “Hurry, we don’t have much time. As you’re inexperienced you can only stay here for so long.

He turned to walk towards her, but realized he was already there, standing beside her. He tried to speak but his thoughts, not his voice, leaked out, like a stream.

What’s happening? How is this possible?

Skylar smiled at him, the expression playing upon her lips, “This is just one of many things you’ll be able to do. The mere act of crossing into this realm plays upon the forces of your body, changing you. This along with your innate power, will allow you to learn these same skills in the physical world. First, you shall learn how to see spirits at will.

He felt the air whirl around him, and for a second, a mere fraction in the fabric of time, he saw them. They swarmed around the two of them, a mosh pit of spirits. He was amazed that they had all been there, lurking, invisible to the human eye. Skylar reached out her hand and he felt what she was trying to communicate, rather than heard it.


Then he felt it, a tug within his soul, it swelled into his very being and his eyes opened to a world beyond mortal man. The ghosts grew excited with his revelation swirling around him at a frantic pace. Then they rushed into him, blasting through his very being, and it was over, as quickly as it had begun. He felt the atmosphere around him sigh, releasing him back to his physical plane of existence.

His body exhausted, he fell down on his bed, but he heard one last thing before he succumbed to sleep.

Your body is changing, soon, ghosts won’t be the only thing you see.

With those words safely tucked within his mind, he walked the land of dreams.
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A shorter chapter, but still cool :P Now he's going to start discovering his powers, I wonder what other lessons he'll have later on?
Time for my annual, THANK YOU! Thank you for reading, it means a lot. You guys are awesome! Woot :)